Chapter Nineteen

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***Eight Months ago***

It was a fine summer afternoon I sat at the cafe downstairs drinking a nice cold chocolate, studying, with all of my university stuff  spread out over the table.

"May I sit here?" I looked up to see a young man, possibly slight older then me looking curiously down in me.

"Umm, well, er absolutely." I moved all of my  stuff to one side.

He nodded in thanks and sat down. For the rest of the afternoon he sat there sipping his coffee and staring at me.

My phone buzzed, it was Ashleigh.

Ash: Heyyyyyyy guuuurrrlllll.
Me: What do you want?
Ash: What makes you think that I want something?
Me: I'll be up in a few minutes.
Ash: Fortune teller.
Me: You know it.

I stood up and gather all of my stuff, shoved it into my backpack. I smiled at the boy who sat staring at me and headed upstairs.

Over the next couple of days the same boy sat across from me, until one day he spoke.

"So what are you studying?" He quizzed.

I kept studying not lifting my eyes,"Astrophysics.''

"Wow that's different.''

"You don't say.''

"What even is astrophysics.''

"Astrophysics is the branch of astronomy that employs the principles of physics and chemistry.''

"Nice, so um what are you doing this erm Saturday?" He asked while scratching her head.

I looked up and stared directly into his eyes, "No, why do you  ask?"

"I was just wanting to know if you'd want to catch a movie with me?"

"Depends on what movie it is?'' I raised my eyebrows at him.

"The Fault In Our Stars.''

"Time?" I scribbled down a note.


"Where?" I adjusted my glasses.

"Southbank cinema's.''

"I'll think about it.''

He stood up, "Well I'll be waiting outside at 6:30.''

I looked up and smiled.

He held out his hand and I shook it, "I'm Jason.''


*** Present Day***

"Jason!" I screamed, "No! No! No!''

I pounded the snow with my fist. My hands numb and red from hammering the snow.

"Loki!" I screamed out to the sky, even though he wouldn't be able to hear.

I heard footsteps running towards me, I looked up. It was Ashleigh.

"Ingrid?! Oh my gods, you're alright." Ashleigh ran towards me.

"Ash?! How did you not get killed by the ice blast?" She threw her arms around me.

"I was in a bunker evacuating children, so they could get off the street. And then all the guard up the top just froze and were gone.''

I looked down at Jason's icy shards, "I know what you mean.''

"Ingrid, who is that?" Ashleigh face went two shades paler.

"It's J-jason.''

"Oh my gosh, Ingrid are you okay?''

I nodded, "But the thing is Loki handed himself in, so none of this should of happened.''

"Did you guys have snow sex before??''

"No, we only kissed.''

"Only kissed?''

"Okay we made out.''

She fist bumped the air, "Took you long enough.''

I laughed, but it was drowned out by the synchronised marching.

"Army?'' I looked puzzled at Ashleigh.

"I don't know.''

But we were far from the actual reason. 

Blue people, frost giants hundreds of them, heading straight towards us.

"Run." I whispered.

So we ran, but the marching stayed close behind us.

I looked behind us, they were getting closer, so we ran harder.

Ashleigh screamed, I stopped and spun around, a frost giant had her around the waist.

"Run! Run! Run!'' She screamed at me.

I stood still, not moving.

Icy cold fingers wrapped around my waist, burning through my jumper. A burning numb sensation reached my skin. 

And boy did it hurt.

I screamed, Ashleigh was screaming.

The one holding me, whispered into my ear, his cold breath making it almost inaudible.

"Where may the one they call Ingrid be?"

"This is she!" I squealed.

Then it all went black.

7pm Sunday Seven months ago.

I walked along the street that led to the cinema's, we'd been seeing each other for about a month now but nothing was official. I saw Jason standing outside, wearing a suit. I looked down at myself, suddenly I felt under dressed in my tights and thin strapped light blue knee high dress.

When he saw me, his entire face lit up.

"Hey.'' I said shyly.


Then we silently walked into the cinema.

By the end of the movie I was shamefully crying and Jason was making small talk about his and my life.

"So tell me Ingrid, what is your biggest fear?"



Then we walked hand in hand along the Brisbane river. We paused and sat down on the jeti where the boats would come in.

"Can I ask a strange question?" He lent in slightly.

"Sure.'' I leaned closer.

He whispered quietly, "Can I kiss you?"

"Yes.'' I whispered even quieter his lips were centimetres from mine.

Then it was like sparks flew. Just the two of us his lips on mine, mine on his. Soft, gentle and calm, he slid his arm around my waist and pulled me closer, my hand tangled in his long brown hair.

"Get a room.'' Some idiots yelled at us as they walked past.

We broke apart, " Maybe we should go.'' He suggested.


Present day

I woke up with a gasp. The room was blue, and it was cold, I had tubes coming from my arms and legs.

"Loki!" I screamed.

Even though I knew he would never hear it.

[COMPLETE][Book 1] I Don't Recommend Falling In Love With An Evil Norse GodWhere stories live. Discover now