Chapter Fifteen

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Everything. Frozen. The buildings, the cars, and...

"Oh my gosh, those are people... frozen." Gasped Ashleigh.

I spun around and walked away. I couldn't look at it anymore. I went to the door and ran down the stairs.

"Ingrid, wait," I heard Loki in pursuit of me, "Ingird, please."

I felt his cold hand grab my wrist, he spun me around rather fast pinning me to the wall. He placed his hands on my shoulders, his blue eyes staring intensely into mine.

"Ingrid, focus.'' He shook my shoulders, "are you sure you want to go out there?" He asked gently.

I struggled against his arms, but his grip was firm. 

"Yes I am sure that this is what I want to do. I need to know what has happened! I've lived here for all my life and too see it frozen is something I need to see for my own eyes not just from a window.'' I stared desperately into his eyes, those piercingly icy blue eyes.  

He released me and I ran. I kept running until I reached the cafe downstairs. I fell to my knees.

People were crying, screaming and running around everywhere. 

"Oh my gods." I whispered to know one besides myself.

People, cars, prams, children running... all frozen.

I fell to my knees. I wasn't the only one. People everywhere had just layed on the snow. Letting the cold flakes that fell from the sky, cover them entirely.

"Oh sugar honey ice tea.'' I heard Ashleigh behind me.

I got up dusting the snow off my shoulders.

"Don't follow me." I told Ashleigh.

Then I ran. I ran through the streets and I didn't stop. I didn't know where I was going until I got there.

I was outside the orphanage where I was raised. Children outside were running around making snowman, and blankets covered those who were outside during the frost. The ground gave a tremendous shudder.

I saw Miss O'Connerhugh run out and usher the kids back inside. Another shudder went through the ground. I wrapped my arms around my body and let out a shiver.

My breath swirled in circles in front of me. If this were a normal day Ashleigh would of shouted that she was a dragon and chased me screaming it at the top of her lungs, but naturally that wasn't happening.

Two figures appeared in the frosty fog ahead of me. Too tall for any ordinary people. So I jumped the fence of the orphanage and dropped to the ground trying to blend into the ground so the mysterious people wouldn't spot me.

"When do we let it rip?" I heard one of them say.

His voice was very very deep, and his thunderous footsteps could be heard from 100 meters away. 

"We let it rip when Laufey says so." The other one replied, his voice just as deep as the other ones.

"So until then we just wander the streets hitting anything that moves?"

"No silly, this is just a scout mission, we must check in case news has gotten to the Asgardians and if so we must destroy those scouts." 

I had to cover my mouth to not vomit, their 'small talk' was sickening. I lifted my eyes up slightly to look at them.

And boy did I regret that.

They were at least ten foot tall, dark blue skin, which looked rough to touch, they carried huge blue weapons (they have a thing for blue objects). The weapon was almost identical to the one that was shot at Ashleigh. As they got closer I realized they were the creatures that attacked Ashleigh that one afternoon.

I was scared, not like "I want my mummy" scared but like, "Oh my gods I'm going to die, this is it" scared. 

"What are we going to do about the Asgardian currently inhabiting this town?" I heard one of them ask.

"We do as Laufey commands us to do so. We leave him and he's banished what harm could he do?"


I was running back to the apartments. 

Loki had to know.
We needed help.
And we needed it now.

"Loki!" I cried out breathlessly as I saw him in the doorway of the apartment block.

He caught me as I barreled straight into his chest. Hugging me fiercely to his chest he asked.

"Ingrid what happened? What did you see?" 

"I saw those weird things that attack Ashleigh."

"The frost giants?" Asked Loki.

I nodded, "Yes those, and they said something about someone named, um Laugy? No Lughy?''

Loki faced dropped four shades into snow pale, "Laufey?" 

"Yes, that's the one Laufey. And something about letting it rip. And not alerting Asgard.''

Loki still clung onto me. I buried my head into his chest.

"What does this mean?" I asked him.

"It means the frost giants are here, and here for a reason.''

"Any idea of what that reason is?" I looked up into his stunning blue eyes.

"They're here for war."

A/N: Hey guys! SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SOOOOOOOO SOOOOOOOOOO SORRY FOR THE EXTENDED WAIT FOR THE NEW CHAPTER!!! I had writers block and new ideas kept flooding my head (hence the two new stories  check them out ;D ) and yeah so sorry... PLEASE FORGIVE ME!!! I love you all.

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