Chapter Fourteen

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The water pipes rattled as I turned the water on for the shower. Steam filled the small room as I got undressed and stepped into the shower.

I faced the shower head, letting the hot water run straight onto my face and down my body. The water was like a cleaner, washing away all that had happened with Jason.

I ran my hands up over my face and through my hair, and breathed in the thick steam. I turned around and lent up against the wall and slid down until I was in a sitting position.

I looked up into the stream of water, letting my eyes slip close.

It was a morning like any other, go down stairs and eat some food, while listening in on my first ever university lecture. I was pulled out of it by a nice looking man.

"May I sit here?" He asked, "Everywhere else is taken up."

"Sure," I moved away slightly to give him some space to sit.

He held his hand out to me, "I'm Jason by the way."

I shook his hand, "And I'm Ingrid."

He smiled, his eyes twinkled as he did so. I smiled back but focused back on the lecture I was getting.

"So, do you live around here?" I heard him ask.

I pointed up, "Right up there."

"Really? I came from Sydney to study at Griffith University." He told me.

"I technically study at an American uni, but I study online." I told him.

"Woah, that must mean your fairly smart."

"No, not really."

"Well to of been accepted into a university over in America must mea-"

I was pulled out  of the memory by the water turning ice cold, and when I say ice. I mean the water droplets were literally ice droplets.

The air around me dropped to a freezing temperature. I bolted out of the shower, grabbed my towel and got dressed lighting fast. 

I ran out the door, to find that out there it was no difference, it was still freezing cold. 

Ashleigh ran up to me, "What is going on?" She shivered.

"I don't know, the water just turned to ice.'' I told her.

I swiftly walked over to Loki, "How are you feeling?"

"Better, but it's slightly cold." He laughed gently.

"I'll go get some blankets from downstairs." I heard Ashleigh call out.

I heard the sound of the door closing, I turned to Loki, "Do you happen to know what may possibly be causing this sort of weather event?" I asked him.

He looked towards the closed windows, "There's only one species that I know that could accomplish something with such a quick effect. And I hope for all our lives it isn't them."

I nodded, and looked around the room, ice was slowly creeping through the doors and spreading along the walls. Then slowly spreading along the floor, like a spider winding it's web, the ice crept up the furniture, freezing all of it to ice.

"I think maybe you should stand up.'' I told Loki.

He nodded and pushed himself off the lounge just as it started to freeze over. I heard banging on the door, and a muffled voice behind it. I walked over to the door.

"A little help would be flippin appreciated." I heard Ashleigh banging on it.

I tried turning the handle but it was frozen shut, so after pulling and pushing slowly the ice fell off in flakes. 

The door all of a sudden gave up and  slammed straight  into my face, giving me a blood nose.

"Oh shit I'm so sorry!" Exclaimed Ashleigh.

"It all good." I told her while blocking my nose

It took about ten minutes to stop the bleeding (Ashleigh apologized profusely the entire time).

I walked over to the window and opened the blinds. "Guys you might want to see this." I told them.

"Holy shit." Exclaimed Ashleigh.

The whole city was frozen, and it was snowing. Everything was iced 

[COMPLETE][Book 1] I Don't Recommend Falling In Love With An Evil Norse GodWhere stories live. Discover now