Chapter Twenty-Seven

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I glared at Loki before turning to Thor, "So what's the plan of attack, do we run or do we fight?"

"First of all, Loki please unfreeze what you've frozen. Second of all, we cannot attack without a reason to, they haven't directly caused death."

"Yes they have! They killed hundreds of people before!"

Thor gave me a puzzled look, ''When?"

"Well, I don't know maybe when they froze half the city and murdered hundreds of people!" I shouted at him.

"We did not witness it, therefore we cannot attack."

"I witnessed it! Does that count?"

"No, as you're not Asgardian."

I threw my hands in the air, "Well that's bullshit."

"What's bullshit?" They both stared curiously at me.

"Nevermind what bullshit is, could you ask them to leave?"

"That would be useless, they're obviously here for a reason. Also how do I unfreeze shit?" Loki tapped his foot.

"Well maybe go ask them why they're here." I turned to Loki "And Loki to unfreeze shit, just let it go."

"How would letting it go, help me unfreeze frozen stuff."

I rolled my eyes.

"Note to self, make him watch Frozen." I mumbled to myself, ''Is there honestly nothing you can do to get rid of them?"

Ashleigh shrugged her shoulders. "You could just ask them to leave?"

Thor laughed, "Ask them to leave? Ha, they would never do that."

"Why not? Because then if they refuse, you can't just swigity swooty your hammer and bash the shit out of them."

Loki shrugged his shoulders, " It's an idea. Also did I mention I don't know how to unfreeze this frozen-ness."

Ashleigh turned to him, pointing her left pointer finger sternly. "Loki unfreezing isn't as important as kicking these ice men's asses."

"I've heard that pointing kills fairy's." Loki stated pushing Ashleigh's hand aside.

She stared at him barely containing her laughter, "K-k-kills fairy's?" 

"Yeah that's what I have heard."

Ashleigh burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?" Asked Loki.

"That you actually think that pointing kills fairy's, it's actually so entertain-"

"Enough!" Shouted Thor, "We have more pressing issues than killing fairy's."

Both Loki and Ashleigh, let out a sigh and stared at Thor.

I turned to Thor, "So what the plan?"

"We ask them to leave, if they refuse I summon the armies of Asgard to drive them out with force."

"Well let's go ask."


"I hate this idea," Ashleigh stared up at the gigantic Frost Giant ship, "I mean, I don't want to die."

I put my arm around her, "We'll be fine, hopefully, if not, I'll make sure that we get a good funeral, full of chicken strips for the guests."

Ashleigh giggled, "What would I do without a friend like you?"

"You'd be six feet under the ground wondering why you weren't blessed," I gestured to my body, "by this awesomeness."

She laughed, "If we survive this, we are going on a road trip."

I stared at her, "A road trip?  Seriously, me and you, in a car. Yeesh, you don't think I'd rip your throat out?"

"By the end of the trip you probably would have. But you know, being on the verge of either success or instant death kind of makes me feel like doing something with my life, like exploring, and enjoying life."

"That was the most inspiring bullshit that has ever come out of your mouth, like holy shit, where the hell did that inspiring speech come from?"

"I don't know, definitely not from my dumb ass brain. If we enter the ship and Elsa is there I swear ima sing let it go."

"If Elsa is there ima say we're drugged."

Ashleigh stared up at the giant blue ship, following her gaze I let out a sigh.

"Let's go kick some frosty ass."

A/N: Hi guys, sorry for taking like 8 months to update but I had writers block and school, plus still recovering from Avengers Infinity War, (cried so much). Also have officially decided that this book and possibly future books are non-canon to the MCU, there may be references and hints towards the movies but this is its entirely own series and storyline.
Bless your souls for reaching and please remember to, vote, comment and follow. :)

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