Pulled apart

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Words: 844

They both quickly parted each on 1 side of the bed and blushed crimson.

"I- I'll get it." Raven said, her blush finally fading.

"Y-Yeah.... You do that." Damn it! So close!

She then left to go get the door with Robin close behind.

She opened the door. To see Cy in front and Bb and Starfire on either sides of him from behind.

Cy fixed the rings so he was a human now. (A/N: Remember "Deception?") He had a white T- shirt and light blue shorts.. He had light blue swim trunks underneath.

Starfire had on a baby pink top that was to her belly like her uniform, and very tight and short white skirt that barely covered her ass and white 6 inch high heals that relieved her toes. Underneath she had a hot pink 2 piece bikini.

Bb had dark green shorts with dark purple T- shirt. Underneath he had light green swim trunks.

Robin had a red T- shirt and black shorts. He had red swim trunks underneath and a pair of black sunglasses. His hair didn't have gel so it was down slightly covering his eyes.

Raven had a strapless white dress that cane to her mid thing. Her hair was past he shoulders and she let it down. She had black thongs and black sunglasses with summer hat with a black bow on it. Underneath she had plain black 2 piece bikini.

"Yo Rae! What were you doin in that room for 4 hours?"

"Robin had a fever." she said obviously not wanting to continue.

"Yo man, ya alright?" He said looking over Ravens shoulder for Robin.

"Yup. We can go." Robin said.

"Oh yes! Let us go to the beach as soon as possible!" So I can do the winning of my Robins heart!

They came to the beach and spread one big blanket so they all could fit on it. They all changed to their bikinies. They didn't even notice Starfire because she was always dressing as little as possible. But Raven.... Let's just say Cy gave Robin 'a talkin to' because noone drools over his little sister. And Robin was all but not drooling.

Raven took her hat and sunglasses off.

"I'm going in the water." Was all she said.

She turned around to leave, but Robin stopped her.

"Wait! I'm coming with you!" He yelled as he coughed up with her.

Disappointed Starfire stayed to get the 'tan of the sun' while the boys went to play volleyball with some girls on the beach.

Robin got into the water, but Raven stayed behind.

"What's the matter, Rae? Afraid of a little water?"

"Shut up Boy Wonder, the water's cold."

"Come on, Rae!" He took her hands in his and pulled her in the water on top of him. His hands were now protectively around her and hers were on his chest. He pulled her up.

"Richard Dick Grayson!" She whispered just in case someone was listening.

"Yea?" He said leaning in on her playfully.

"What are you doing?" She asked more quietly, a confused look on her face. He was staring at her lips and she was in his. He leaned in, slowly, carefully as if she was a fog that would vanish as soon as he got close, as if she were only a dream and if he touched her she would disappear.

She leaned in after him just as slowly.

"Guys?" Someone asked. Robin and Raven quickly parted.

"Aqualad?" Raven and Robin asked in the same time.

"Hey you guys!"

"What are you doing here?" Robin asked.

"Well let's just say I couldn't look at Speedy eating my friends anymore so I went on a VOCATION!" He said as he put his hand around Raven. Robin clenched his fists and growled.

"Wanna go for a swim?" Aqualad asked.

"Um actually she was going with ME." Robin said.

"Um.... How about we just all go together....And you let go of me."

Go Rae! Go Rae! Robin mentally cheered.

"Nah, I like it where it is."

"Aqualad I swear to Azar if you don't let go of my wrist right now I'll make sure you suffer a painful death."

"Better listen to her Aqua." Aqualad was about to replay when he heard Robin growl deep in his throat and the death glare he was receiving from him.

"Ok, ok...." Aqualad said hanging his arms in the air.

At that moment Starfire jumped out of nowhere and squealed.

"Friend Robin! I wish to...." Starfire stoped not shore how to say it. "Go for a swim, yes?"

"Umm.... Actually-" He looked back to Raven to find her missing. He looked around and found her and Aqalad at the bar on the beach eating ice cream with drinks in front of them. A wave of jelaousy went through him. I'll make her jealous! "Sure Starfire."

"Glorious!" Next thing he knew he was dragged deeper into the water by the grinning alien. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea? Knowing her and her obsession for him anything could happen. And leaving Raven alone with Aqualad or any other male just spelled trouble. Now what?

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