First day at the beach pt. 1

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Words: 417
Raven and Aqualad ate their ice creams and started chatting.


Raven took another sip of her Fanta and answered. "Yes?"

"What were you and bird boy doing before I came?"

Raven blushed and looked away.

"Oh that- umm.... Nothing!"

"Seriously, Rae-"

"Raven." she corrected.

"You're really bad at lying sometimes." He finished as if she never spoke. She looked down. He sighed.

"Are you dating or something?" He asked a little disappointed. Sadness was clear in his eyes.

"No! He's my best friend, nothing more." Only because he likes Starfire. She finished mentally.

"Really?" Yaaaas!!!!

"Really." She assured him. The problem was, as much as she tried, she couldn't assure herself. It hurt to much.

"Okay then. Up for a walk?"

"Sure, why not?" She needed to take her mind off of boy wonder and his soon to be girlfriend somehow. Back when they first met and Starfire kissed Robin she felt something between the two that she couldn't quite decpiere, but now when she checked while they were hanging out, she felt nothing from Robin, but lust from Starfire. She saw Starfire dragging Robin in the water a few minutes ago. She saw such hope in her eyes and her smile.... Her eyes were glistening with happiness. And she didn't like it. At all. What if Robin broke Starfires heart? She knew deep down she wanted that but she couldn't forget that Starfire was her friend, a very sensitive one. What would she do? Would she break in tears in front of him or crush him into little pieces for what he did? Would sh-

"Raven?" Aqualad brought her back to reality.


"Come on."


"Umm.... The walk?"

"Oh yeah, let's go." They started walking down the beach. They walked in silence before Aqualad spoke.

"Come on, I'm gonna show you something."

"Okay...." She said a little suspicious. She then followed him.

Starfire and Robin were in the sea. Starfire was jumping while holding Robins shoulders with both hands. She was very exited about everything which caused almost every talk to end with her saying (more like screaming) 'glorious!' with a big grim constantly plasted on her face.

"Oh friend Robin! I wish to...." She stoped trying to remember the verb. "Catch the shelf of the sea! May we please go, friend Robin?"

"Umm.... Sure Starfire." He was in deep though while she kept jumping around him in the water.

"EEEK! Glorious!" She then dragged him away. Again.

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