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Words: 775
Robin slowly walked to the hotel, his head hanging low. He was thinking hard. Why was Starfire so hurt? They never dated! So he kissed her in Tokyo! So what?! Besides, he didn't know what he was doing! She was just there at the right time! Nothing else!

They wouldn't work out anyways.... She could never understand him. She was to bubbly and happy to notice his dark side. She believed he was happy all the time, but he wasn't. He was always trying too much. He was mad at himself for his parents death. He wished he could do something, but he just watched. And it bothered him a lot. If Starfire ever found out about that dark side of him, he wasn't completely sure what her reaction would be. The one thing he knew for sure: she wouldn't take it well. Maybe she would just back off and finally leave him alone so he and Raven- Raven....

"Four minutes without thinking of Raven. Well done!" his inner voice told him.

"Shut up!" he retorted hotly. As his thoughts finally drifted away he realized that his head was hurting like hell and he was cold. He reached his trembling hand towards his cheek, taking short intakes of breath through his gritted teeth. His cheek was hot.

He reached the hotel doors and made his way to their room. The doors felt as if they were covered in ice. He felt so cold as he slowly, barely made his way to their doors. He tried the icy metal handle. Nothing. He knocked weakly. He was breathing hard. He heard faint footsteps from the other side.

As the doors opened to relieve a now wide eyed Raven.

"Robin, are you ok?" his reply was a weak wince. She helped him on the bed.

"Raven...." he breathed, trying to catch his breath. His mouth were completely dry.

"Shh...." she put a hand on his cheek as her eyes widen at the heat. She moved her hand up to his forehead. She didn't know what to do. She didn't have any pills and if she healed him it all just passes on her. It was stupid. On the end both of them would get sick. She put her hand back on his hot, flushed cheek and caressed it slowly.

"Robin, I'm going to go get you a pill, ok? I'll be right back." he noded weakly. Cyborg had some. She walked down the hallway to their room. She knocked and Cyborg opened. He smiled.

"Yo, Rae." she smiled back.

"Hey, Cyborg. Do you have anything for fever?" he furrowed his eyebrows in concern.

"Why, are you ok?"

"Yeah. Robin needs them."

"Again?" she nodded.

"Wait." she watched as he went through the bag.

"Here." he gave her two pills.


"It's nothing. Hey tell me if he gets better tomorrow, will ya?"

"Sure. Oh and Cyborg?"


"Please don't tell Starfire. She'll freak out." he chuckled.

"Sure. G'night Rae."

"G'night." she smiled.

She rushed to their doors with 2 pills. Just as she reached the doorknob with her free hand she heard s high pitched female voice.

"Raven?" she sighed. Starfire is here. Great.She turned around on her heel.


"Where is friend Robin? I wish to speak with him."

"No." she had her reasons. One of them being the fact if she ever saw him in this condition she was going to freak out.

"And why not?" her voice was innocent and confused.

"He's asleep." she lied. She was a good liar and Starfire was naïve. She was really making this easy.

"Oh." her face fell.

"Well good night, Raven."

"Night." she came in.

"What took you so long?" he mumbled weakly, breathing heavily.

"Starfire." he growled. Will she ever give him a break? He sat on the bed. He swallowed the pills and she helped him down  but as she tried to move up, he grabbed her hips and pulled her on top of him, her legs and arms on either side of him.

"Robin, no." she spoke sternly, failing to move as he pulled her closer. Their lips were centimeters away. They stared at each other's lips.

"Why not?" he whispered, his lips brushing against hers. She was getting dizzy.

"I don't know." she whispered back. Just as he was about to kiss her, she put her arms on his chest and pushed him away.

"Robin, no." she said, as she pushed his arms from her waist and crawled on her side of the bed.


"No." he sighed and turned off the lights. Neither of them slept much that night.

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