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Words: 899
Starfire's POV

I was doing the looking for friend Robin and Raven. I knew Raven would probably try to steal my Robin away so I had to stop her. I walked a little more and found them doing the making of out. No! Robin is mine! I have to break them apart! He cannot love her!

Honestly, I have been trying to break them up all day. I have faked tears already two times today. I knew Raven cared for everyone in the team, including me, so if I cried in front of her she would feel guilty and would back away from my Robin. I will not lie, I knew my Robin had a crush on Raven for some time now. I have to make him love me, not Raven!

I thought of a plan. I will walk up to them looking angry. Then I will try to break them apart and yell a little. I will pretend that I am hurt by this and start crying so Raven feels guilty. Then my Robin will try to cheer me up, but I will fly off, sobbing. He would turn to Raven hoping they could get together, but Raven will probably only give him reasons why not and that he should forget about it.

Then, tomorrow, I will help Robin forget all about Raven. He will probably think of the same thing and play along. And we will live happily ever after. Just like in tales of a fairy!

I sighed dreamly. Now, to bring my plan to action!

I grinned evily at my plan. It was just so perfect! I looked at them for a while. My blood boiled everytime I saw them touching, let alone kissing. It was enough to activate my powers. I grinned again before clenching my teeth and flying over to them. They didn't even notice me! I tried to push Raven out of my Robin's arms, but he just held her tighter! My teeth clenched. They finally noticed me and stoped kissing. Thank Glorhkbam! I barely held back! How dare she kiss my Robin! I gritted my teeth harder and spoke.

"Friend Robin, Raven. May I know what are you doing?"

"Hey, Starfire." Robin tightened his grip around Raven if it was even possible. He faked a smile.

"W- we were just-" Raven started, terrified. Good, she should be!

"You were just WHAT?!?!" I yelled and I broke into sobs. I was daddy's little princess back at home. I learned to fake tears, happiness, anger, anything just to get what I want. This was a little too easy. I shocked them with my tears and sobs. They bought it. Yay! They were speechless for a while until my Robin spoke up.

"Um Starfi-" I removed my hands from my now wet, salty face and spoke.

"I-it is t-the o and t-the k, friend R-robin." I flew off as fast as I could and hid in a bush. They did not notice me. I listened to their conversation.

She broke out of Robins embrace and moved back a little hugging herself and shaking her head low. My Robin looked at her.

"Raven-" she looked up.

"Robin, I don't think this is going to work. I mean look at Starfire. She's broken enough already. I made her cry three times today. If our relationship is going to look like this then.... We should just get over each other and forget about this. Just forget about today." Yes! It is working!

"But I-"

"No, Robin. You need to let me go." she walked back keeping her eyes on him. After a few steps back her eyes shone white and she melted into the dark like a shadow. He was left alone. I flew away grinning all the way home.
I was lying on my bed. I can not wait for tomorrow! I need to know how he is! Maybe he got back? Is he taking this well?

I unlocked the door and peeked a little. I heard mumbling somewhere a few doors away from mine. It sounded like Cyborg and Raven. What are they talking about? I heard footsteps. That was probably Raven. I quickly closed the door and waited for her to get to her room. The footsteps stoped and I peeked again. She looked worried. What was that in her hand? Two.... Pills, I think? Why?! Is my Robin okay?! Maybe she will let me in so I can see how is he doing? She did reject him. Poor Robin.... Maybe he is sick? I came out completely and spoke. Raven was about to unlock the door, but stoped when she heard my voice.

"Raven?" she sighed.


"Where is friend Robin? I wish to see with him."


"And why not?" I tried to sound as innocent as possible. I knew she hated when I did. Still, I want to know what is going on.

"He's asleep."

"Oh. Why are you holding pills?" I asked innocently.

"Oh that? I have a headache so Cyborg gave me some."

"Alright. Well, good night, Raven."

"'Night, Starfire." she hurried into the room closed the door. Why is in such a hurry? I shrugged and went back to my room. I couldn't wait for tomorrow! I sighed excitedly as I drifted of to sleep filled with my Robin.

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