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Words: 1038
"Yo man. Calm down. What happened?" Aqalad looked pissed to say at least. He was panting, but not just because he was running. His fists were clenched and he was flustered. His long black hair fell from his eyes slightly. If looks could kill.... And then the staring started along with a long, awkward silence.
Aqalad stared at Robin trying to kill him with his eyes. If Cy and BB weren't standing before Robin he would already be dead.

Cyborg and BB kept exchanging looks at the same time. It came Aqualad, Raven, Robin, Aqualad, Raven, Robin....

Robin looked scared and tired. As if he would faint any second. He was tired and his fever returned. He couldn't take it much longer. He was way to weak to do anything right now, but he didn't show it to his team. They couldn't see him weak. Noone could. Raven did once, but it wasn't going to happen again anytime soon.

Raven was exchanging looks from Aqualad to Robin. She was petrified. What if Aquald hurts Robin again? She looked at Robin. He looked tired and flushed. Her eyes widened. She had to get them inside the room. Fast. He was going to- before.she finished her though his eyes fluttered shut and he was falling.

She quickly caught him by the waist, got them in their room. Black surrounded the doors and shut them as she lay him in the bed. She put her hand on his cheek. He had a fever. Again. Great! Can this get any worse?! Just as she thought that Aqualad pushed past BB and Cy and came in. She quickly got up.

"Raven. Move." he spoke in a low dangerous voice, his deep blue eyes boring through her.

"No, Aqualad. You have to calm down."

Cy and BB came in with confused faces. BB spoke.

"Um dudes?" they ignored him. Raven was the next to speak.

"Aqualad, why'd you do this?"

"Did what?"

"Why'd you beat Robin up?"

"What kind of a question is that?! He hurt you Raven!"

"But why do you care?! No one should care about me! I'm an emotionless demon! I'm dangerous! I shouldn't feel anything for anyone and noone should feel anything for me!"

"But I do! Why can't you see that?! Can you at least except that?"

"No! I'm not bound to feel and noone can make me feel!"

"So.... So y-you don't love m-me back?" his eyes were full of confusion, shock and hurt.

"No, Aqualad. But.... Can we still be friends? Please? I really don't want to ruin our friendship just because I can't feel.... I-I'm really sorry-" she hung her head low not looking in his eyes. She couldn't bare the hurt in them. Unknown to her, Aqualad had a plan B.

"No, no. It's okay. We can still be friends." he came closer.


"Of course!" she looked up and he hugged her. She was shocked, but she still hugged him back. They both smiled. He then broke from the hug. His one arm was on his hip, and the other went to her chin. He lifted her head with his index finger and kissed her.

His lips were salty and cold. She tried to break away, but he only kissed her harder.

Robin then woke up. He blinked a few times and saw clear white ceiling. He sat up and looked straight ahead. What he saw broke his heart. He saw Aqualad kissing Raven! How could she?! She said they were only friends! I'm such an idiot for believing her! She was probably just suppressing her feelings again! She loves him back! She could've just told me! I could take it! (Me: Pfft! Yeah right!)

He ran out of the door and the hotel. Hot tears streaming down his cheeks. He ripped his mask off. His tears fell freely now. Why? Why did she do this to me? He cried harder.

Raven finally pulled Aqualad off her. Her head snapped to the bed. No one was in it. DAMN IT!She ran out not giving Aqualad as much as second glance as she ran out to find Robin.

She ran until she saw him. His mask was in the grass ripped off in two pieces. His chest moved up and down uncontrollably as he sobbed silently. He was flustered from the fever and tears. She came closer to him. Her footsteps were quiet and slow. She put her hand on his shoulder gently.

"Robin." he turned around harshly. He didn't even bother to cover his eyes. She gasped silently. His eyes were dark, stormy blue with a hint of icy blue in them. She lost her breath. She forgot what she wanted to say. Then she noticed the redness of his face and eyes. The old prints of tears that were soaked with new drops of salty fluid.

"What?!" his voice was demanding, but his eyes weren't able to hide the hurt in them.

"Robin...." she brought her hands up to his face to whipe his tears away, but he movedone step back and sniffed once more.

"Why'd you kiss him?!" he asked. She moved closer once more. He didn't move back. As she reached for his face he stayed still.

"Why?" his question was above a whisper, but she still heard it. She whiped the tears away from his face gently, but more kept coming in waves. His eyes were taking interest in the grass that was shining from the big, white moon in the distance. She sighed.

"Will you let me explain?"

"Yes." his voice was still quiet and he still wouldn't look at her.

"Robin, that kiss meant nothing. Aqualad kissed me, I never kissed back."

"Yes you did! I saw you two kissing!" he was yelling again now finally looking at her. His tears stopped flowing. The only trace of them were the still wet, shining marks.

"No, Robin. You saw him kissing me."

"And why should I believe you?"

Raven sighed. She couldn't take this anymore. Why couldn't he believe her? What was she suppose to do anyways? She did the first thing on her mind: she kissed him.

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