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Words: 1144
They finally landed. It was 12 a.m. Cyborg woke up first. He noticed the birds.

"Awwww.... Look at those 2! I'm so gonna get a lot out of this one!" He grinned while taking pictures of the 2.

He woke up Robin, still grinning.

"Yo Rob, wake up man!" Cy yelled from his seat.

Robins eyes slowly opened only to close again from the sudden sunlight.

"Whaa...?" Robin said still trying to wake up. After a while he spoke.

"You've got the look." Robin said suddenly.

"What look?" Cy asked innocently, still grinning.

"The yaaaas- I'm- so- gonna- get- a- lot- out- of- this- one look." And then it hit him. Raven was still leaning onto him. Fuck.

Cy grinned wider, if it was even possible, at Robins realization look.

"You know she's gonna kill ya, right?" Cy suddenly asked.

"Why would she? She lay on me and besides, you're the one who took pictures!"

"Yea, but I don't have my arm wrapped around her waist, do I?"

Oh shit. Shit. Shit! SHIT!!!!

Raven then woke up. She heard Robins cursing through their bond.

She opened her eyes and tried to sit upright, but a hand stoped her.

The boys noticed her. Cyborg grinned wider and silently stared at the scene that was just about to happen.

"Robin?" She asked calmly.

"Yes, Raven?" He asked just as calmly.

"Why is your hand wrapped around me?"

Robin blushed crimson.

"I- I don't.... Know??" He asked panicking obviously embarrassed.

Cy snorted. It was so hard not to laugh at the scene before him.

"Would you mind moving it away?"

Yes. "No."

"Then do it."

"Ok." 20 seconds passed. Robin tried, he really did. But he just couldn't do it!


"Yes Raven?"

"You still didn't remove your hand." She stated calm as ever.

"Sorry." He said, still not removing his hand.

"I'm gonna rip your hand out, Robin." Still calm.

By now everyone was up watching.

"Sorry." He said finally removing it.

"Thank you!" She said sitting up.

"What are ya'll starin at?!" Robin asked still flushing.

"Oh nothin...." Cyborg trailed off

"Good. Can we finally go now?" Robin asked.

"Yup, let's go!" Bb said also grinning.

They made it to the hotel and searched for rooms.

On the way in a cab Cy and Bb were still grinning like idiots, Starfire was fuming and her face was flushed, Robin desperately tried to ignore them failing, and Raven was reading a magazine ignoring them all.

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