"Nothing about our situation makes even the slightest bit of sense." Orion had his head in his hands, and stared blankly at what was laying on the table in front of him.
"Now, just hold on..." Oletha revealed a gentle tone which suddenly took Orion by surprise.
To one side of the candelabra there was a large sheet of parchment on which Oletha had mapped to province of Sul'ren moons ago, and to the other there was a pint of mead. Orion scanned over the map in synchronization with Oletha. She spoke again:
"If the first attack was launched three days ago, that means that any troops that had managed to remain mortal that haven't left the hills also haven't made it to its central region. I do not believe now that all of our people have been abducted, rather, I would like to imagine something has happened we aren't aware of and the most of them have sought refuge there. It is unlikely that the Sul'ren could have been entered by way of its southern gates, as we know the easiest access is through our northern end. Do you follow, Orion?"
"Yes, ma'am." The elf nodded as he enjoyed a swig of mead.
"Then what is it you think we should do?"
Orion raised his left eyebrow so high that its arch seemed to reach his hairline. Before he could inquire as to why she was asking him what to do, she quickly leaned forward, pointed the bottle she'd been drinking from in his face, and with a drunken laugh said:
"I am asking you, I've been roaming these hills since before I could speak, and you have just as good a gut feeling as I do, noob."
Orion paused, and took a lengthy gulp of mead.
"The only thing I can recommend doing- albeit it is by no means easy- is trekking deeper into the region, killing any Nord we make contact with, ultimately figuring out what in the world is happening, and why Flora Solis would jeopardize the well-being of all her people."
Oletha grinned satisfactorily, and blew out the candles.
I knew you were a Bilbo, she thought.
"We leave at dawn."
MaceraOletha-warrior of the province of Sul'ren, explorer of Etra- embarks on a menacing journey after discovering that her people have been removed from their home in the Hills. Though she has returned from combat on the front, protecting her continent...