Chapter 1

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The white haired boy's gaze snapped up from his small plate of cake at the sound of his name.

"I would like for you to meet a friend of mine." Shinohara spoke lightly, feeling relieved when the red eyed boy smiled and blindly agreed.

Juuzou proceeded to eat his cake once more, feeling very much satisfied. He was mindless to the fact that Shinohara was smiling down at him even in his thoughts.

Today marked another year since Juuzou had been discovered in the hands of the notorious ghoul, Big Madam. He wanted to say that he could not even tell the boy had been taken in the first place but the amount of aggression Juuzou has displayed these past few days had been worrying. The kills had become messier and even more bloody, Shinohara has even noticed that sometimes he would be absent minded to the point that his eyes would grow jaded.

The most recent kill, Juuzou had violently ripped the male ghoul apart and seemed to practically bathe in the filthy blood. What made Shinohara stiffen, however, was the glint in the crimson hues of Juuzou. The large proud smile that lit his sickly pale face and he seemed to think he deserved a reward in his haze. When he awoke, he seemed confused but he remained uncharacteristically silent. Even the next day, he was not as hyperactive or attentive as he usually was.

The large man stirred his coffee with a sigh, the white haired boy across him being completely unaware of the worry that came from him. He believed that Juuzou had something pent up inside of him and he hides it, covering it with mindlessness and hyperactive joy. But there was something dark hidden within the boy that showed in moments where he loses control and goes all out in the battlefield or when the bright white closed eyed smile becomes a lot more menacing.

He planned to have Juuzou talk to a friend of his that has been put into a similar situation as Juuzou. She was discovered and brought back to humanity, raised by a member of the CCG before she had became independent. Currently, she strives to become a therapist at a college in the peaceful ward and happens to be rather intelligent. In fact, now that Shinohara thinks about it, he has not seen her since she graduated at about sixteen and a half.... About three years ago.

"Come, Juuzou." Shinohara said as he stood and left bills on the table. The white haired boy hummed in content before bouncing up from his seat and following the taller male.

He wondered what this friend looked like and who he was. Was he tall or short? Was he pale or dark? Did he look sickly or lively? Was he a giraffe?

Juuzou could not suppress the image of Shinohara hugging the neck of a giraffe, while being teary eyed as he stroked it's fur and it made him giggle lightly.

"You have not heard a word I've said, have you Juuzou?" The male suddenly came from his thoughts and blinked blankly in confusion. He did not even notice that the man had looked at him or opened his mouth. Shinohara sighed with an amused smile tugging his lips before he continued walking with the pale boy.

"I said, that the friend we are meeting is at the college. I want you to be wary on touching her too suddenly or in general. I do warn you tha-"

The amusing image had left his mind as he realized disappointingly that the one they were meeting was a girl. Not only that, a girl who was in college which was where boring people went. Juuzou's lips pouted in a discontent frown as his mind filled with disappointment.

Shinohara glanced back with a sweat drop, realizing that the boy had stopped listening ages ago in the midst of his babbling filled with warnings and cautions. With a sigh, Shinohara continued the short walk to the college, glad he chose the small cafe that tended to be visited by students of the college. But he knew the student he searched for was not going to be in the cafe because resting seemed to not be her thing in the midst of her hyperactive mind.

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