Chapter 23

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Almost a moon had past ever since things happened. Stormclaw padded around the forest territory with Frostgaze beside her. He looked at her. "Frostgaze?" He mewed softly.
She looked at the black and white tom. "Hm?" The gray tabby hummed, as if she got out of her thoughts, whatever they were.
"There's something I've been meaning to ask you.. Something I had been wanting to ask." He meowed with bated breath.
"What is it?" She asked him.
"I was wondering if you would like to do the honor of becoming my mate?" Stormclaw asked.
Her mouth gaped open in shock. "Stormclaw.." She managed to say. The ViperClan warrior looked down at his paws. "I know it's a little sudden, but I told my own brother's horrible truth for you.." He went on.
She nuzzled her head in his neck as Stormclaw's chin touched her head. The need for lies and hiding were over. Even now with his crush on Frostgaze. He hd a bigger job to do;not only to protect his clanmates, but his mate.

The two suddenly heard loud yowling as a cat ran towards them. "Dogshade! What is it?" Frostgaze asked the black and white she-cat. "The camp is heing attacked! Sootwhisker's with them!" She yowled. The three bounded back to camp. His eyes widened as he saw cats scrambling about in a panic, in a frenzy of attacks from different sides of the camp. The traveling cats helping two WolfClan warriors and a ViperClan queen in the front of the nursery. He saw Doeface'd eyes;a wide horror struck yelloe. He ran to her side. "Mom! what happened?!" He yowled.
"Sootwhisker brought some AshClan and ScarClan cats here..." She mewed hoarsely. Stormclaw stared around as he couldn't believe what he saw.
"That's it! No more accepting this traitor!" A cat yowled.
The black and white tom shook his head and ran towards the clearing, muscles bunching and stretching, as he then saw Sootwhisker;pinned down writhing on his flank, eyes slitted in fury, by a furious Feralstorm, his kits Leafpelt and Hazelheart fighting two AshClan cats with snarls and hisses.
"...On the contrary.." He growled. "It is I who will rid ViperClan of you fools! I am not the traitor of this clan!" Sootwhisker roared in protest. Stormclaw felt fury burn inside him. "I thought you were my brother Sootwhisker..." He snarled.
"I thought the same.. Until you revealed my plans!" His brother spat. "What kind of brother are you..?" He spat bitterly.
Cats silenced themselves as they stopped fighting;eyes wide at what was happening in front of them. Some warriors just finished chasing away some Sootwhisker's followers. "What kind of brother am I?" He echoed. "You threatened Frostgaze if I didn't follow you, planned to chase off WolfClan, disturb our alliance!" He spat. The tom stood up, strength in his trembling legs. "I'd rather be a rouge than a prisoner in the walls of this weak, pathetic, mouse-hearted clan!" He growled.
Whitestar curled her lips in a snarl as she was seen staring down from atop of the Snake Rock in the center of camp, claw marks on her body as Onestar bore the same scars from enemy cats. "Well then, since you'd rather that than death like a true cat you gutless excuse for a ViperClan warrior, I, Whitestar, leader of ViperClan, sentence you to exile! If anycat of WolfClan or ViperClan see you, you'll face death as they have my permission to kill you!" She declared, stomping a paw down in anger.
Doeface bounded up. "He's my son!" She wailed.
"Doeface... Step away from the traitor..." Lighteningtail meowed to the she-cat.
"Soothwhisker is still my son! He'll always be my son!" The fawn pelted she-cat spat bristling furiously.
The cream pelted warrior Dawnreed stepped up. "I vote we think about how she feels." She meowed.
Tallclaw blinked. "Why don't we drive him out of the forest?!" He yowled.
The WolfClan tortoiseshell tom Lizardstep leaped forward. "Kill him!" He meowed as warriors yowled out hisses and snarls in agreement.

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