Chapter 1

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Stormpaw lashed his tail as he lunged for Branchspots. The two wrestled, until Stormpaw managed to put a paw on his neck.
"Good job there!" The tortoiseshell tom commented proudly.
The young apprentice was turning out to be a fine warrior's apprentice in the making after a long hard vigorous quarter moon of training with his mentor.
He saw Sootpaw looking at him rather smugly. However, Stormpaw paid no attention, as his fur glowed with pride at the praise from Branchspots. Crowflight nodded his head respectfully. "Even I'm impressed."
Sootpaw shrugged. "He was fine."
"Oh hush. He's been quite exemplary lately." The one eyed tom complemented to Stormpaw, as he was licking his chest in embarrassment. He heard the delighted mews of Smallkit, Elmkit, and Sorrelkit as their mother Ashwhisker took them outside for some fresh air to play.
"Alright that's enough training." Crowflight rumbled, as they all padded back to camp. As they reached the entrance of ferns, in front of them were a group of cats.
"Who are these cats and why are they in camp?" Brachspots asked, directing his gaze to both Feralstorm and Danwreed.
"It's a long story.." The ViperClan deputy mewed.
Crowflight groaned. "Oh boy.."

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