Chapter 26

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Onestar looked at Hollyflight. "Have you received anything from StarClan yet?" He asked.
"Not for some days Onestar." The gray she-cat replied.
The white and ginger tom sighed. "Oh StarClan, what do your words mean?" He asked, staring up to the sky in the clearing while they sat outside of camp. All of a sudden, two StarClan warriors appeared in front of them.
"Duskstar.." Onestar meowed in a whisper.
Hollyflight's jaws gaped open. "Fang.."
The starry charcoal black tom stared at them. "Echoes will cover the forest but a storm will heal it.." He mewed to the two cats.
"What does that mean?" Onestar asked the tom.
"Sootwhisker and Stormclaw have been training in the Dark Forest ever since they were apprentices," Fang replied. "Dark Forest cats followed with Lynx and Gorseclaw's plan for his sons to rule ViperClan in his name and drive WolfClan away as he sought to end the alliance between the two clans."
The two WolfClan cats looked at each other. With this newly found information, they realized no wonder why Sootwhisker was doing what he was doing. Along with that realization, they also realized that it they would have to make it as clear as possible to Doeface that it didn't excuse his actions one bit. He was planning to drive them away from their forest home.
Duskstar blinked. "Out of the darkness.. There is to he light.." He told the two as he and Fang ascended back to StarClan with their words in the leader and medicine cat's minds to tell their clanmates.

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