Chapter 11

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Crowpaw headbutted Sootpaw, tail lashing side to side, as she had a slight nick in her ear.
"You fight pretty good for a WolfClan apprentice.." Fallowspots commented to Crowpaw.
"I'm trying to bite his fur!" She yowled. "Young one has quite the energy." Dawnrail commented to Lynx.
"Energy turns to commitment and commitment turns to loyalty." The chestnut pelted she-cat told her.
"Not if I bite yours first!" Sootpaw declared, bounding forward, he saw her paw get tangled as she fell on her side. "Well done Sootpaw, with moves like that in the next battle-" Gorseclaw began but was cut off by the sound of a hiss.
Stormpaw was fighting a cat, launching swift bites as fast as a viper and claw marks to both of their shoulders as great as a badger's paw. He gave a yowl of triumph as he managed to make them tumble backward and land on their back.
"Well, well.." Fallowwhisker mewed with a smirk.
"You are learning well." Eelwhisker purred, his dark gray fur glowing warmly.
"He just got lucky.." Hissed Sunbird, a long furred and scarred golden tabby Dark Forest she-cat, who was rearing herself up.
Stormpaw's fur glowed with pride at his praise. As much as he had not believed in it, he reared up his opponent. He had done was his father said. His eyes looked up to see the pitch black sky.
Sootpaw's pelt stood on end in fury, he had been matched by his brother for the first time!
The yellow eyed tom ignored his brother's very obvious jealously, and began to chat with one of the other apprentices, Lithepaw.

Stormpaw opened up his eyes to see morning light. No longer darkness!
He stretched awake to see cats huddled in a circle. The young apprentice stood up to see a patrol just about to leave. They all bounded out of camp. And to the forest.
"They attack one of our warriors at a gathering.. They will pay with every hair on their pelts!" Lostbird hissed as he ran beside Jayfang.
The WolfClan and ViperClan cats stood to look at the AshClan cats from the other side. Their rivals on the other side.
Yowls erupted from both clans as they launched at each other across the lake. The forest was alive and loud with great screeching cats. Sootpaw caught sight of a cat and leaped for them to wrestle with them as Stormpaw and Fawnpaw aided him.
Mossclaw lashed his tail and pinned, Badgerfang, the cat that attacked him at the gathering that night to the ground. He snarled at him, as a dark brown she-cat flung herself at him from the side, claws piercing his flank. "Mossclaw!" A loud voice boomed in the mist of the battle. A red/brown tom shoved the cat away.
"Thank you Bloodfur.." He mewed to his companion gratefully.
Feralstorm was pinned down, paws lashing at a cat. He snarled at them as they clawed at his ear. The black and white mottled ViperClan tom, raced onward and clawed the cat across the face. Then the black dappled she-cat, struck the death blow. The cat slashed her claws to his throat. ViperClan cats all crowded around the cat, attacking her. But she clawed at them. A bracken colored tom made his way to sink his claws in the back of WolfClan warrior Silverleap, as she yowled out. Larkstep hissed and bit hard on his ear, twisting around, she clawed at him.
"There's too many of them!" A voice wailed.
"We can't keep this up Eagle!" A voice cried out.
A gray tom with brown legs, leaped up. "Retreat AshClan! Retreat!" He called as cats raced towards the lake, leaping across it, but a cat fell in! They managed to heave themselves up and began to return to their clanmates. "Mossclaw and Lostbird are both dead!" Jaggedtooth yowled out.

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