Chapter Six

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Hey, guys! Sorry this rewrite took so long, as I said I've decided to remove the titan aspect of it because it was too confusing and made no sense whatsoever, so I hope this helps a little.

Where Levi is living is in modern day Germany but they live in sort of an apocalyptic way, still living inside of a wall (just think of it like the movie Warm Bodies, if you will).  They're fighting against a rebel group that is a little similar to any terrorist group, and yeah, hopefully this helps make more sense.



It's great to hear from you.  I've been here so long I've almost forgotten how it feels to be home, again.  It's a lot different here than it is at home.  You know that nature spot in the central part of town?  Well, the whole area around me is like that, but it's absolutely breathtaking.  It's got a lake that always sparkles in the sun, tall grass that sways in the wind, flowers more colorful than fruit, and the air is so calming.  I can't wait for you to see it.  It's everything we've ever dreamed of seeing.  

On a side note, I'm being treated better since my three months of training.  I didn't get along with my commander, we never saw eye to eye on anything.  I've been with a squad leader since judgement day, so I haven't had to put up with Commander Erwin much.  At first, I was dragged and thrown into what seemed like a prison car.  I even felt like I was going to prison.  They didn't give me food for the first two days, and I wasn't allowed to shower every night anymore.  I get three small meals a day, I train fifteen hours a day, and I get to shower twice a week.  I usually get around three hours of sleep, but I'm beginning to get used to it.  I have two military uniforms, so I thank my lucky stars that I'm a sanitary person, but I still don't enjoy wearing the same clothes for three to four days.

I've met some nice friends here.  Back home, I had a friend named Farlan.  He was a foster kid and he knew about our situation.  He felt too guilty about it to come meet you, but you'd really like him.   He used to be a no good trouble maker, but he's turned out to be a good guy.  Then, there's Isabel.  She's the youngest one here, and she has a lot of spunk.  She's like a little sister to me.  I love her, but she definitely pushes my buttons most of the time.  Without them, I feel like I would lose my mind here.  I cried every night I was here and I was screaming to come home.  One night they even had to lock me in a solitary barrack where no one else was occupying because people thought I was going insane.  I felt like I was going insane.

Honestly, I've been having horrible nightmares lately.  I keep thinking about dad.  More specifically, I keep having this hunch that death is approaching me.  I'm not saying this to scare you.  My squad leader said that out of all forty recruits, I'm ranked the highest because of my skills.  I don't worry about myself as much, but I worry about my friends.  I've always reminded myself that I can't mess up, because it's going to cost a life if I do.  I've been having dreams that I messed up because I let my emotions get in the way, and I lost everything in return.  It's scary.  I can hardly sleep with the few hours I have to sleep.  I know you're probably worried, now, I just need to tell someone about it.  It's stupid but my pride is too heavy to swallow for me to talk about it with anyone else, just because a lot of people depend on me.

Tomorrow we have our first expedition.  We're going to venture outside of the walls and into Rebel country, in hopes to establish bases and regain some of the land that was once ours.  It's a scary job, but it's what the Special Ops do.  I'm not very nervous for it because I'll have Farlan and Isabel at my side, and I trust my comrades with all of my being.  This group has become my family, and we protect each other like our own.  

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