Chapter Seventeen

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Hello, readers!  I'm sorry for not writing for a day, I was just too tired and struggled to find the motivation.  I had a dream last night that inspired me for a chapter in the future, so hopefully we'll get to that point soon!  But I'm hoping you like the story so far :)


"I'm going to the military, not a fucking maximum security prison!" I screamed as two soldiers held my hands behind my back, pushing me forward with force.

"You're a threat to our safety.  You're anything but a human.  And for the stunt you pulled on Commander Erwin, you might as well be going to a prison camp.  Don't think you'll be getting off so easily, Ackerman," they threatened. 

They pulled my arms back behind me further, surely they were going to break them off.  I heard the clashing of metal and seconds later, felt a cold band wrap around my left wrist, then my right, restraining my movements.  I tugged at them attempting to break out, but it was no use.

"Is this really fucking necessary?" I snapped. 

One of the soldiers glared at me in satisfaction.  He was taller and had more muscle to him, a little more tan than any others.  His brunette hair was trimmed at a fohawk-like angle near the back of his head, and he always kept a sturn look on his face.   He bent down to meet my eyes and traced my jawline with his finger before grabbing my face tightly.

"Don't worry, soldier.  We're going to take good care of you," he said darkly.  I wiggled my face out of his grip and bit at his hand, startling him.  His expression changed from sturn to 'you're pathetic'.  

"Let's get going, shall we?" he smirked, throwing me into a black tinted car with the wings of freedom symbol detailed on the hood.  


The car ride was long and hot.  I knew the base was a few hours away, but these few hours we were driving felt like twenty.  Where I lived was surrounded by mountains and we lived in a very crowded and vegetation-free valley.  It was almost like we lived in a desert--there was more dirt than anything.  They told me about the base and where it was, they said it was in a place called the Capitol, but I was still trying to act like a hardass and drew out the sound of their voices.  

As I looked outside, more and more grass and trees appeared and I couldn't help but stare.  The whole area around us reminded me of the little spot in the center of my village, and it looked never ending.  I saw lakes, ponds, wildlife, and nothing could be more peaceful.  It made going into the military less bad for me.

Until we got there.

The dark backseat of the car soon was illuminated with the bright outside sun, and the two soldiers from before were standing at the door.  They still had the pissed off look on their face as before.  They looked at me like I was some sort of animal, and they weren't exactly about to be nice to me.

One of them grabbed me by the hair and began to pull me out of the car.  "Let's go, Ackerman!  On your feet!  Don't make me drag you all the way to the barracks, and don't think I won't do it!" he threatened.

I cringed as the all too familiar pain shot through my scalp and throughout my entire head.  I was used to being pulled by the hair by my father when he beat me, but they had some nerve doing this to me as a grown man.

"Let go of me, dammit!" I spat, "I have two fucking legs for a reason!"

He pulled my head up to face him and smirked.  "Alright, Ackerman.  Have it your way," he said, letting go of my hair and pushing me down onto the ground.  I struggled to get up, but I was laying on my stomach, my hands still cuffed behind my back, and no way to get up.

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