“This beard itches,” said Arthur as he scratched beneath the big bushy beard he had on.
“I know,” agreed Sid, “what’s the use of us wearing beards when we have beards anyway?”
“Shhh!” shushed I, “they’re nearly here.”
Both Sid and Arthur were dressed as guards guarding the place in Tarrelo where the Andacians kept their Inter-World Transport Device. If you have read The Sun Thief (which I suggest you do right now if you haven’t!!!) Then you will know that Lizzie and Charlie were planning to escape back through the IWTD. (Now an ITD is an Interdimensional Transport Device, an IWT is an Interdimensional Wrist Transporter = these are both different from an IWTD.)
“Come on you two,” said I, “march around like guards.”
“Hrumph!” hrumphed Sid, “he’s nearly as bossy as you,” he looked at Arthur.
Sid saw Lizzie peep around the corner, he re-settled the rifle on his shoulder. Then he decided to go and have a chat with her.
“What are you doing?” hissed Arthur.
“I know this is steampunk Arthur, but you don’t have to hiss. I’m going to get her autograph.” But when Sid got to the corner he saw Lizzie, Charlie and Reena at the far end of the street.
I admonished him, “Sid you are supposed to be like a ninjas, unseen, unheard.”
“Sorry, I thought you said ‘like gingers’, you know, like those naughty ginger cats you had.”
Just then the gates of the facility burst open and Traiton drove a steam cart out. He still looked a little depressed.
Sid and Arthur's Steampunk Adventure
Science FictionSid and Arthur, from The Crying Pennant, find themselves in The Sun Thief!!!