Chapter 3

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~3rd POV~

As (Y/N) finished her creation and or breakfast, she got out two plates and put one pancake on each plate and put maple syrup on one of them. She got up and put one of them on the table along with a set of silverware, while slowly approaching the Brit.

Arthur looked up for a slight glance, noticing the presence in front of him. Surprised to see (Y/N) standing there in front of him with a plate of breakfast and silverware. 'Did she make this.. For me?' "Are you hungry or not?" She said motioning the plate towards him. 

"F-for me? Are you sure?" The fact that the girl who absolutely hates his existence, was standing in front of him with a plate that she willingly made for him, bewildered him. "Do you not want it?" At this point the female was about to just take back the plate in annoyance and humiliation

but instead Arthur took it happily and eagerly. (Y/N) walks back to the table to finish her plate of breakfast, for she didn't eat last night, therefore she was starving. After a moment of silence, Arthur got up almost hesitantly, and got in front of the chair that was across from (Y/N).

"Mind if I sit here, love?" 

Arthur was trying very hard not to stutter or sound jittery in front of (Y/N). He wasn't sure if it was working or not, but the girl just seemed to dismiss it and shrug with no words given. He carefully pulls out the chair, sits, and continues on with his breakfast, trying not to sweat bullets. 

Minutes have passed, and the two just continued to eat in silence. (Y/N) was on her forth pancake, Arthur on his second. Arthur noticed that (Y/N) was eating fastly, but elegantly somehow. 'Well, she didn't eat last night so I'm assuming she's just now getting full.' 

"Don't you have work or something?" Arthur was snapped out of his thoughts by the voice of (Y/N), staring right back at him. Embarrassed that he was caught staring, and that he didn't even notice he was, he responds with a stuttery answer.

"W-well love, I'm off for the week, so I guess you're just stuck with me." He says with a sheepish smile, rubbing the back of his neck. (Y/N) just looks back down to her pancakes and continued eating, not bothering to answer back to that. Not too shortly after, (Y/N) got up to wash her plate and return back to her room. 

Before she went up stairs, Arthur tried calling out to her to ask if she wanted to do anything today or needed anything. But in return, didn't get as much as a word from her, just a glance back, causing Arthur to internally deflate once again. 'I wonder if she will ever open up to me.' 

'Probably not..'

'I don't want to talk to him at all, but I'm trying to stay strong and attempt move on. I still don't trust him,nor forgive him,but I'm trying to somehow coexist.' (Y/N) thought as she made her way up to her room.

'I wonder what they did at Ollie's house... Did they take his body away? Did they leave him there? I'll probably never know though..' She sat back down on her bed and tossed onto her back, once again looking at her ceiling again. 'I already miss Ollie.. His cheery self there to cheer me up,

his bright everything, even his house, his sweet and caring gestures, his delicious cupcakes... All of it.' These thoughts caused (Y/N) to once again almost fall into despair, but she quickly tried to push away these thoughts.

"It's hard to be mean to him, when he looks so much like my Ollie. I believe Ollie called him Arthur? I don't know... I can't bring myself to yell at him or do anything to him. What a great situation I'm in.' She thought sarcastically. 'Even if I were to run away, there's no where to run to. I know that Ollie was a killer, and they'd probably try to put me in a mental institution. That's why, where I am is probably the best place id be at this point...' 

'Life's so unfair.'

Arthur worriedly paced inside of his room, practically pulling his hair out internally. 'Is she ok in there? Is she bored? Well, I didn't particularly prepare for guests so there's of course nothing in there that's fun. But she usually stays in that room for almost a whole day, barely coming out for food.'

Arthur stopped for a moment to look up to his dresser, and walked up to it standing in front of it staring nervously. 'She also didn't bring anything here, not that she could've since I was dragging her, but doesn't she need clothes?... Maybe I should just give some spare to her, just in case she needs them... Ya.. I'll do just that!' 

He picks out a couple shirts that he hasn't worn in a while, or are too small on him, and some pants. He carefully folds them in a little pile, and continues on in front of (Y/N)'s door to set them down gently and quietly.

With satisfaction, he looks down with a sense of pride. Pride that he hoped (Y/N) could find of use to his generosity. Of course she would have to go shopping sometime for the female necessities, but this was for another time. 'Should I also bring some games?.. I don't quite know what she takes interest in yet..' 

I'll ask her sometime when we're alone like this morning. Arthur wandered off to the kitchen to whip up some earl grey tea, and then sit down in the living room to pick up where he was reading off this morning. 'I wonder if (Y/N) likes to read. I have plentiful books, but most of them are fantasies, and not much romance. Girls these days like romance novels right?' 

'Well I shouldn't stereotype (Y/N) like that, as the typical woman, because so far she has been more calm than what I would of have expected. What a delightful young woman...' Arthur's thought drifted off into dream world as he set down his book for a second to just be lost in thought. 

His dream land was put ahold when somebody barged through the door letting out a loud noise that made Arthur jump, and the house shake. 

"Black sheep of Europe! The wonderful me has decided to visit your sad, lonely, home!" 

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