Oliver's After Story

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The date was March 26, year of xxxx. 10 years after the incident that happened, thus the 13th anniversary for the couple. For Oliver and (Y/N), they got married only a month after reuniting with each other, since they were already dating 3 years previously and Oliver was going to propose that day he got 'killed'.

That and they were excited to get married and start their life. Anyhow, the couple instantly followed their dreams and opened a bakery together. They also had a lovely little girl named Olivia, who looked and acted exactly like her father. She even dressed like her father. She was what people would call a daddy's girl.

Although she was a daddy's girl, the 8 year old still loved her mommy very much and didn't hesitate to show them both affection. She loved to bake, and no not body parts, yet, but actual cupcakes with her easy bake oven. The girl didn't have many friends since she was home schooled due to her parents' situation.

Olivia however was fine with it, and seemed to love being home schooled, that being because she can be closer with her parents. Although the parents were mainly at the bakery, she still played with Flying Chocolate Bunny and all of the creatures that are friends with Oliver.

However today, the couple took off work and closed the bakery for their 13th anniversary. The little family is currently in the kitchen, all contributing to making all sorts of sweets. Olivia making little designs on the first row of cupcakes, while the couple continued to help each other make a cake.

"Poppet, could you hand me the whisk please?" "Of course, just one moment Ollie." (Y/N) set down her bowl of cake batter, grabbing the whisk that was right next to her, handing it gently to Oliver. Oliver took it gratefully and gave his partner a loving kiss on the lips for a brief moment before returning back to his activities.

(Y/N) just smiled and looked over to Olivia who was right next to her, who had a content expression on her face as she made little hearts and hummed a tune. "What'cha singing honey?" "Oh just a song the faries were singing earlier!" Olivia said cheerfully, turning to her mother and smiling.

"Hm... Did the faries have a name for the song?" (Y/N) asked with a playful curious tone. "Oh no, I don't believe so." Olivia said with a slight frown, furrowed brows. "Then why don't we make a name for the faries~!" Oliver chimes into the conversation. This caused the daughter to squeal happily in agreement.

"Alright any ideas?" (Y/N) says looking at the two. "How about... Happiness?" Olivia said with a happy smile towards her parents, looking at them for approval. The couple let out a small giggle or laugh and nodded to their daughter. "What a brilliant name Livi!" Oliver said lifting the small girl up into his arms.

(Y/N) just smiled, hoping to remember this precious memory. The little family later ate their sweets at the kitchen table, with only little leftovers of what was the cake and a couple cupcakes. By the time they were finished, it was already dark out and Olivia had to go to bed.

Now the couple lay, in their bed cuddling, having little talk. "Happy 13th anniversary poppet, I love you very, very, very much~!" Oliver said leaving peppered kisses all over her face. (Y/N) giggled and replied with "Happy anniversary as well Ollie, I love you too, you mean the world to me." "As to you, for me as well!"

As Oliver left peppered kisses, he saved her lips for last, in which she gladly kissed back with just as much love. This led to one thing and the other, and let's just say the two didn't get too much sleep.

Even though the couple don't have the best position in society and constantly have to stay out of sight from police and such, they still couldn't have it any other way. This was their happily ever after.

And they loved it.

~ T H E  E N D ~

Authors Note

As you can see I didn't put much effort into the last chapters because I was mainly just updating on Quotev so I'm sorry to the readers on here (⌒-⌒; )this is the end so thank you for reading!

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