Chapter 11.5

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It was a cold night of January in England. (Y/N) was currently walking home from her job, and was wanting to go back to her apartment and just sleep. However, the world had other plans for (Y/N)'s night.

As (Y/N) was walking down the side walk, she was suddenly pulled into a alley and was pinned into a wall, harshly knocking the breath out of her lungs. "Give me your money!" He simply said to the woman, in which she was horrified.

Still out of breath, she frantically shook her head. This caused the the shady man to become angered and started shouting. "Give me your money or you die!" He said as he pulled out a knife from his pocket.

(Y/N) attempted kicking him, and was struggling, but the man was too strong and kept dodging. (Y/N), at this point, was hopeless and thought 'Is this how I die?' And just as the man almost closed in the space between her and the knife, a voice was heard.

"Why, what do we have here? Young man, you wouldn't happen to be picking on a beautiful poppet would you~?" The man said in a sickly sweet voice, cussing them both to shiver.

"Hah?! Step closer and the girl gets it!" The man said and pressed the knife closer to her neck threateningly. This caused the mysterious man to just chuckle darkly, almost childishly. "Now now, we won't be having any of that." He said and in just a

flash of the moment, a knife was swiftly Impaled into the robber's shoulder, causing him to drop the girl and instantly go towards the knife. (Y/N) just slumped onto the ground and backed up, hoping not to get hurt again.

(Y/N) had some time to look up and observed the mysterious man who saved her. The man was dressed incredibly shady, he seemed to have a bright pink undershirt and purple vest and a cute teal bow. He also seemed to have big eyes brows, strawberry hair, and these eyes that seemed to have pink and blue in them?

(Y/N) then gasped with a sudden surprise and horror as she watched the flashy male murder the robber, brutally. The man then shoved the body inside of a huge bag, and looked over to (Y/N).

"I'm sorry you had to see that, I hope he wasn't causing you too much trouble!" He said giggling like a child. (Y/N) just inhaled, and silently replied. "You saved me..." This caused the man to smile cheerfully.

"Oh, Poppet of course I would! When I see a beautiful woman such as yourself in danger, I can't help it!" This statement caused (Y/N) to blush. "Now... Since you've seen that, we can't let you go around telling anyone, now can we?"

This caused (Y/N) to freeze and instantly tense up. "Does that mean you're going to kill me too?" "Oh goodness no! You're too sweet to kill! It would be a waste! What I meant is you'd have to come with me!" He said casually.

"I hope we don't have any problems with that, will we?" He said with the sickly sweet tone once again, causing (Y/N) to flinch and hesitate, but shake her head regardless. This caused him to clap his hands in delight. "Yay!~ Come with me poppet, oh! How rude of me, I forgot to introduce myself! My name is Oliver Kirkland, you can call me Ollie though!"

(Y/N) simply nodded, and introduced herself as well, and the two proceeded down the sidewalk. (Y/N) was very lost in thought, she was debating whether this was the right decision or not. She didn't want to say no or else she would die, but she also felt indebted to him.

She was curious and frightened as to what he would do to her once she goes with her once she goes with him, for all she knows he could be taking her to a torture site. She glanced towards him, and saw as he hummed cheerfully while looking ahead.

(Y/N) took notice of the place he took her to, a bright pink and big mansion, when they got inside all he did was give her a guest room that was across from his room, a flashy and decorative room at that, and tell her the rules of living under the Kirkland household. Which was to not run away, not go in the basement, and not eat his cupcakes unless given by him.

After around a month, (Y/N) fell in love with his adorable personality. Ollie claimed he already loved her when they met, and they decided to date. The two seemed like a perfect couple to his friends and neighbors. When the other nations visited, the met (Y/N), but were surprised nonetheless.

Over the years, the couple did go through some hardships like every normal couple, but theirs were slightly different. Olive was a killer, and (Y/N) knew this, she also knew what he did with the bodies. She accepted it of course, but there were times when Ollie was insecure.

There were also the times when Oliver lost it, but he didn't want to blow up on (Y/N) and hurt her, so he would have to distance himself inside the basement for a while. Of course (Y/N) tried herself to calm him down from time to time, but he still rejected it nicely.

On March 26, their 3rd anniversary of dating however, the accident that changed everyone's fate, came when they were least expecting it. On this day, Oliver was going to tell (Y/N) finally about the nations and their secrets and even propose.

The man who caused this accident, was none other than Arthur Kirkland.

(Y/N) suddenly woke up with a gasp, sweating. This caused Arthur to wake up in their embrace and at first look at her confused, but then concerned. "Love? Are you alright? You look pale and you're sweating, are you sick?" He said caressing her cheek and feeling her forehead temperature.

"No it's alright, I just had a dream that's all..." She said with a reassuring smile. Arthur simply rose an eyebrow at this, but decided to nuzzle back into her neck and fall back to sleep. This caused her to sigh happily and peck his cheek.

And decided to go back to sleep, but before going to sleep she thought


Authors Note

This was just a chapter to help you fill in what happened before the whole story and how Ollie met reader! I'm sorry I haven't been updating on here, I guess I was more focused on updating o Quotev (⌒-⌒; ) 

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