Chapter 10

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~3rd POV~

Alfred surely wasn't taking this as a joke, and neither was Arthur. Alfred decided to take out all of his moves on (Y/N) from little hand touches, to soothing strokings, during the making of pancakes. Matthew even noticed the tension between the two males, of course he was confused however.

Now, the three were currently getting their plates ready to eat and sit down. However, before Arthur could sit down next to (Y/N), Alfred swiftly sat down in the chair, causing the Brittish male to almost let out a growl. Almost. Arthur was forced to sit across from Alfred and (Y/N), next to Matthew.

He didn't want to complain, because he would look childish in front of the woman he cared deeply for, which would cause him to become severely embarrassed. However, he was taking as much as patience and resistance as he could from not punching the blonde American.

"So I was like, 'Uh, bro, get your own seat! The hero sat here first!' Ya know?" Alfred's and (Y/N) continued to chat on, leaving out poor Matthew and Arthur, mainly Alfred's intention. Alfred made it to where he wouldn't let Arthur budge into the conversation between him and the female.

Now Alfred knew he was walking on pretty thin ice, but he only wanted what was best for his friend. Therefore, he had to do this, and didn't really feel bad about it. He actually enjoyed talking to (Y/N) for various reasons. Alfred decided to crank it up a bit, stroking (Y/N)'s hands as they talked.

(Y/N) didn't exactly take notice, or didn't care. However, it was a totally different side for Arthur. He was beaming with, what he clarified was, jealousy. He at first denied this thought, and even pushed it away a couple of times. It caught up with him, and hit him hard, like a bullet.

He didn't even realize he wasn't eating, and was only clenching his fists looking down. Only did he realize when (Y/N) said something about it. "Hey, Arthur you ok? You haven't even touched the pancakes that we all worked so hard on." "By 'we' she means us, and not you." Alfred butted in, somewhat snickering. "You bloody... I'm sorry (Y/N), I was just too lost in thought."

"Oh it's alright, I was just curious since you've been staring down for quite a while." She said with a slight ting of amusement in her voice. "Haha! Anyway, (Y/N), the guy looked so annoyed at me! It was funny to see him so angry, like bro, please calm down!" (Y/N) simply laughed at this, and replied.

"Yes, I know how you feel! I love to see a certain someone turn red after my teasing comments." She glanced towards Arthur, causing him to instantly blush. "So you do indeed do it on purpose!" Arthur yelled. "It's fun! Your reactions are always so funny!" "You..! Every ti-Ack!" Arthur suddenly let out a loud noise, that sounded extremely in pain, clutching his shin.

This caused (Y/N) to raise a brow at his sudden actions. "Arthur you ok?" "Ya dude you ok?" "Alfred you bloody wa-" "Woah dude, it's not my fault you spaz, don't take it out on me!" Alfred intercepted raising his hands in a surrender kind of way. "You git! You kicked me!" "Did not!" "Alfred!" "(Y/N) don't believe what he says!"

"Don't drag (Y/N) Into this, you wanker!" "What if I need back up, man!" "Alfred F. Jones, you have been nothing but an inconvenience all morning!" Arthur said shouting getting out of his chair walking towards Alfred's chair. "Woah, bro! Calm down, we can solve this right?" Alfred started to get nervous, he's never seen him this mad, and was wondering

​​​​​​​'Oops, did I take it too far?'

Matthew just watched with wide eyes, panicking on what to do, while (Y/N) was curious as to what was going to happen. Arthur roughly grabbed him by the collar. "First you barge into my house uninvited! Then, you decide to insult me! Lastly, you decide to hit on MY love!" He yelled with venom, but especially towards the last part.

Arthur's rant made the room become silent. Alfred suddenly smirked at Arthur. Arthur then noticed what he said, and instantly regretted it. He let down Alfred and didn't even want to look at (Y/N), for he was too embarrassed and humiliated. Deciding for the easiest way to leave, he ran to his room.

"Finally, he admitted it." Alfred said outloud, with a relieved tone and expression. (Y/N) was just frozen in confusion, and a bit of... Relief? Unidentified emotions flew through her system, causing her to be overwhelmed. 'He... Loves me? In that way?...' She thought.

"So (Y/N)... What's your answer?"


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