Chapter 4

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~3rd POV~

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~3rd POV~

(Y/N) was at the moment bored out of her mind. She continued to just stare at the ceiling intently, counting the lines and dots, every now and then restarting when she felt she messed up. 'It's the same old same, not really doing much in here but it's better than going out there.' She thought.

'These clothes stink too. Gosh, really, how long can I survive here?'

(Y/N) was increasingly getting thirsty as the minutes went by. When she ate breakfast she forgot to get a drink, that's how desperately hungry she was. 'It wouldn't be too much of a time consumer to get just a glass of water right? All I can do is hope he won't see me, and I'm good!' She thought with hope.

As she was about to push the door open quietly, she noticed a neatly folded pile of clothes. This surprised (Y/N) at the least because it was severely convenient. 'Can he read minds or something?' Looking at the clothes observantly for a couple seconds more, she finally decided to just pick them up and place them on the bed for later.

As she was about to re walk out of the room and shut her door, she heard a mans voice loudly over the house, and a loud thud. "Black sheep of Europe! The wonderful me has decided to visit your sad, lonely, home!"

Confused and curious, she decided to walk down one stair and peek down to see what all the commotion was about. She was met with the scene before her of Arthur whisper shouting at a man with somewhat blondish hair and beautiful blue-almost purple/eyes, while the man just responded with confusion written on his face.

(Y/N) tried to lean in to get a better hearing on things, she could only make out a couple phrases from the Brit, for he wasn't the best at whispering. "You git!" Or "You bloody frog!", which confused (Y/N) more. 

The  beautiful man somehow caught a glance at (Y/N)'s almost hidden figure at the top of the stairwell, and of course, made his move on the beautiful young woman. "Well, why didn't you tell me you had a belle mademoiselle here, hm?" (Y/N) noticed the French accent he had, and of course French language. 

Arthur just mumbled saying "well it's too late now." "My names Francis Bonnefey, Come now, don't be shy, I don't bite, hard." The French man said with a wink directed towards the girl. "You bloody git! You're making her uncomfortable!" Arthur yelled at the French man, causing the man to show an offended look and fire something back.

"I bet she would prefer living with me! You can't even cook cereal! What do you say mademoiselle?" He called up to her. "Don't go calling all the shots, frog! This is a different situation!" "Regardless the situation, anyone sane can agree that I would be better to live with!" 

(Y/N) stared at the two, with a glint of amusement, and without realizing it, she spoke her mind. "You two look like an old married couple." This causes the two's arguing and choke holds to pause. They both had a look of disgust, and immediately took their hands off of each other, mumbling. 

"Did you need anything, love?" Arthur asked (Y/N), trying to find a way so she could escape. Of course he would do anything for time with (Y/N), but he also would do anything he could do for (Y/N)'s mind to not be sullied by the man paying a visit. Luckily, (Y/N) didn't pay any notice of this.

"Oh yes, I just wanted some water that's all." (Y/N) said calmly, walking towards the kitchen and easily reaching into the right cabinets for the glasses, and pushing the correct buttons on the refrigerator. This amazed both Arthur and Francis, but neither questioned it, and just continued on with their talking. 

"So what's the situation, nothing too serious, non?" Francis somewhat whispered to Arthur. "It's complicated. It's not too serious, but it is on a level, serious." "You didn't kill anyone right?" "..." As the boys conversed back and forth quietly, (Y/N) continued on with her duty. 

'The two... Remind me of Ollie and Francois. They look painfully alike, but totally different personalities.' (Y/N) thought as she finished filling up the glass. (Y/N) turned around ready to walk back to her room, and up the stairs. Francis of course noticed this. 

"When will we meet again, belle?" He asked, taking (Y/N)'s hand and planting a small kiss on her knuckles. Arthur's face was beyond furious, while (Y/N)'s was just with confusion. "Never you bloody frog! You should've left when I told you!" Arthur intervened. 

"Goodness Arthur, you should never raise your voice when a lady is present." Francis said tsking, and shaking his head. This caused Arthur just to go more red with embarrassment, instead of anger like before. "My apologies, (Y/N)." He said with a slight sigh, trying to calm down.

"Then I will ask you again politely, Francis, may you please leave, or would you like to stay for dinner?" This got the most satisfying reaction from the man for Arthur. He knew he was technically insulting his own cooking, but at this point, he didn't care. He needed Francis to leave, before he said anything unnecessary. 

"Good day (Y/N), but I must leave now, maybe we can see each other again?" He said with a sweat drop and hurriedly walks out of the door. Once the door closes, Arthur lets out a big sigh while rubbing his temple. "I'm so sorry you had to witness that, (Y/N)." "It's okay, I think it was quite funny though." She said with a slight laugh. Arthur unconsciously blushed at this.

'What a beautiful laugh, I wish she laughed more often.'

"Well, then." She said continuing on into her room. Before she could leave, Arthur called out to her causing her to cast him a glance of confusion. "Do you have any interests?" He asked, earning a more confused stare. "A-h! W-well of course you do, but I was just thinking you may get bored up there, s-so I was just thinking you'd maybe want some entertainment of some sort." 

Arthur tried explaining, trying to use hand motions, which didn't really help with his ramble, causing him to brighten up more embarrassed in himself. This earned a slight laugh from the (H/C)ette, and in reply said "Well, I do enjoy some mystery books. They never seem to make me bored, and always on the edge of my seat." 

"M-mystery? Do you perhaps know of Sherlock Holmes?" Arthur asked, somewhat surprised that she would be into that genre of books, similar to him in a way. "Oh of course I have, the novels have always been one of my favorites. Like A Study In Scarlet."  

"By gosh, a fellow Holmes fan! Can never find them in many places these days, with the new things coming out these days, people seem to forget about the classics!" Arthur says with a gleam of happiness and joy. 'Finally, things seem to be turning in my favor!' He thought. 

For the next couple hours, the two have seemed to already hit it off. Sharing interests, and furthermore introducing themselves throughly. In which they weren't able to, due to the situation, which seemed to slip the minds of both of them. The two saw each other as just equals, even if it was just for that little of time. 

Authors Note

This chapter was kind of fun to write! I'm sorry if you really aren't into mystery novels or Sherlock Holmes, but I had to in order to somehow progress the relationship!! I also had to look up Sherlock Holmes stuff, and since the internet isn't THAT reliable, I'm sorry for my mistakes if any! ( ' ▽ ' )ノ 

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