Chapter 6

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~3rd POV~

It has already been a week in the new Kirkland household for (Y/N) (L/N). (Y/N) was already used to the new house, along with the new owner. Things have gotten better between the two, and the two have been getting closer by the day. 

Today, (Y/N) woke up at 10am to just a normal day in London. Except one difference was that Arthur wasn't there to greet her like he always did in the morning when she went downstairs. She would usually find him reading a book in his reclining chair, with glasses on, totally confined in the book. Of course, he would notice when (Y/N) came down. 

But today, (Y/N) went down stairs after getting ready, only to see an empty house in front of her. No one in the kitchen or living room. A small frown made itself to the females face and a look of confusion, but suddenly turned to surprised when she saw a single note on the counter. 

"Dear (Y/N),

I'm sorry I wasn't able to say good morning to you, I didn't want to wake you up, so good morning! 

Sadly, I have work today and for the next couple weeks I do. 

It's okay though because I'll be returning home around 2:00pm-3:00pm, so see you until then!

Help yourself to the food in the fridge or pantry when you're hungry, and if you would like 

you could look in my library and find maybe a couple books you'd like if you already finished the ones

I gave you, or just simply want to try new ones. Have a nice day!



'Oh ya... He mentioned he had a week off of work when I first arrived.' (Y/N) thought solemnly. She made her way towards the fridge to pull out milk and head to the pantry for cereal. 'Might as well eat, I'm starving.' She thought as she poured herself some cereal and got out a spoon to sit down and watch TV. 

'Ah... It's so boring without Arthur here..' (Y/N) thought tediously. 'Ha.. A week ago I wouldn't of have been thinking the same thing.. It's funny to think how easily I was persuaded to become friends with Arthur... Not that that's a bad thing.' 

(Y/N) went to go put up her bowl and silverware into the sink. (Y/N) then wandered to the library that Arthur had. Of course she knew where it was without him telling her, she could most likely navigate her way through the house blind folded. 

'I wonder if Arthur has the same books as Ollie...' She thought scanning the book shelves. 'Hmmm... Nope,not the same kind of books. Ollie had some cook books, fairytale books, and maybe some romance books..' 

She scanned her fingers through the books and with an 'aha!' took one out of its place that was sort of hidden, and made sure none of the other books fell out. She pulled out a book that said "Ancient Magic (Countries)" and looked at it confused, yet intrigued. 

'What's Arthur doing with this?' She thought, looking through the pages, scanning each one carefully. However, one interested her the most. 'How To Summon Your Second Player? What's that?' She thought confused. 

Below the title read 

"A Second Player (or 2p) is a you from a different dimension. They are the exact opposite of you, showing your inner demons the most, and expressing it throughout everyday life. Your second player in simpler ways, is your more blood lusty side, or evil side."

(Y/N) looked at it for a couple seconds more, to see if what she was reading is really not in her head. 'You from a different dimension... Oh my gosh... Is that why Ollie and Arthur... Look almost identical?' At this point (Y/N) was shocked and confused. 'Why didn't Oliver tell me this? Wait... He said he was going to tell me something on our.. 3 year anniversary.. No...' 

(Y/N) didn't notice the door open and close, nor did she notice Arthur call out to her, and lastly, she didn't notice Arthur standing behind her. "Love what are you..." Arthur looked at what (Y/N) was reading, and saw her horrified and despaired expression. 

"(Y/N)..." "Why didn't he tell me?... Why did he wait until our 3rd anniversary... All along, I knew absolutely nothing..." (Y/N) didn't notice the tears bubbling over her eyes. Arthur tilted up her chin with his pointer finger and being the gentleman he is, pulled out a handkerchief and dabbed away her tears. 

"Love, I'm sorry no one told you.. I thought you already knew since you said you were with him for almost 3 years... but I guess now would be the perfect time to tell you.." Arthur said caressing her cheek as she stared at him for a couple seconds, but then nodded her head slowly. 

Arthur motioned for her to follow him to the couch and sit down across from him. When the two sat down, not only was (Y/N) nervous, but so was Arthur. He did not know how to say this casually, or in a way that seemed believable.

"Well... Where to start... Oh yes! The countries and nations. Love, you know the countries?" "Like America, England, France and etc?" "Yes, well... Each country or nation, has a representative. A personification in other words. And well, we practically are the countries, and so the countries don't die, unless their country itself falls. Take Prussia for example." 

(Y/N) tried soaking in as much as information she could, so far she understood what he was saying, just surprised that's all. She nodded on, motioning for him to continue. "Y-you believe me?" Arthur asked confused. Usually when he tells someone the story, they think he's crazy, or lying.

"Yes I do believe you, why would you lie about this anyway? It may seem very different but... It's not impossible to believe." "Well... Countries go through wars right? And through rough times, and even close to falling apart times. All of this energy that builds inside, goes inside the two players, who were created from all the rough times us first players go through, but they bear it through everyday life, and live with it. They turn out to be exact opposites of their first players." 

Arthur looked up to (Y/N) signaling he finished, and to see if she processed all of what he said. He noticed (Y/N) in complete thought, using an expression that showed the gears were working inside of her mind. "Prussia... That's why Gillen is so depressed?.. I never knew.." She whispered with a mournful expression. 

Before Arthur could reply, (Y/N) chimed right back in with something else. "And that's why, Ollie looked so much like you, and was the exact opposite of you..." (Y/N) was still looking down with a mournful expression, but more of a 'I get it now' expression. 

"Yes love.. I'm sorry none of us told you about it before.." Arthur said looking at her with regret full in his eyes. "No... It's okay.. Really.. But I have a question Arthur." "Yes, love?" "So if Ollie's a second player, that means that it was normal for him to act that way?" "Yes, I believe so. Why did he do anything bad to you? Though I wouldn't be surprised if that monster tried anything..." Arthur said with anger boiling up, while whispering that last part with venom. 

"No... He always tried to stay away from me when he was on the brink of insanity..." She said, tears bubbling back up in her eyes, but this time, falling. Falling hard. "Oh love..." Arthur whispered empathetically and pulled her gently into a hug, stroking her back. 

"He always cared, even until the end.." She continued to sob, her body wracking with waves of despair. "I'm sorry love..." He whispered, still stroking her back. He couldn't help but feel bad. Bad that he caused (Y/N) to be this sad. But he didn't regret it. 

No, in fact he's very happy he got to meet (Y/N) and share memories with her, 

And fall in love with her. 

Authors Note

Yup, this is the chapter where everything goes down and the beans are spilled! (⌒-⌒; ) this chapter I just practically took what I thought of as the Hetalia theory. So I'm sorry if it's wrong or anything, this chapter I didn't look anything up so... But ya ( ' ▽ ' )ノ

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