Chapter 5

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~3rd POV~

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~3rd POV~

It was already 9:40pm, the two have been on and on talking about their interests, for many hours. From favorite color, to life wishes. It didn't seem to bother either one of them that time went by, but of course all good things come to an end.

(Y/N) noticed it was already 9:40pm, and she let out a surprised gasp, which caused Arthur to raise an eyebrow. "It's already this late?" She mumbled to herself, gaining the attention of Arthur's eyes to the clock. 

He let out a slight chuckle at what the female said, "Well, I guess time goes by when you're having fun. A-ah! To me it was, I'm not sure if it was fun to you, since I've been told I'm somewhat boring, but-" "Of course, I enjoyed sharing my interests with you, especially since we had similar tastes. Thank you." 

"N-not at all, love! The pleasure was mine." Arthur stuttered out, trying to contain his happiness, and trying to prevent himself from celebrating, which he was doing internally. 'I can't believe she really enjoyed talking to me! This is progress!' 

"I really needed it, so no, thank you Arthur. I'm hoping for those mystery novels sometime soon Arthur! A girl does indeed get bored in this large mansion of yours." She said in a teasing tone, and half joking. This causes Arthur to beam happily. "Of course, love! Wouldn't want to make a lady wait." 

(Y/N) just laughs at this, and stands up smiling at Arthur. "Well, good night Arthur!" She says waving to him as she turned around to walk back up the stairs, but pauses after two steps. "Oh, and thank you for the clothes. I really needed to change." She says as she continues on her way. 

"Of course love, anything for you. Goodnight." Arthur replies back with a gentle smile. (Y/N) waves a little, and disappears from Arthur sight up the stairs. Making sure (Y/N) is out of sight, he turns around and pauses for a moment. Then suddenly raises his fist up in the air in victory and happiness. 

'Finally! It finally happened! I finally got to talk to (Y/N) normally, surely this is a progression! I just wasn't expecting it to happen so fast!" He put down his fist, and let out a quiet sight of relief and contentment. Feeling like a weight was lifted off of his chest and mind. 

He almost skipped his way to his room upstairs, almost, taking a longing look at (Y/N)'s door for a second, and then going into his room. That night, he was barely able to go to bed, excitement filled his mind with thoughts, and future plans. But finally giving into temptation at around 12am, he went to sleep, having a dream about flying mint bunny and marrying (Y/N). Of course it was a dream though.

(Y/N) walked into her room with a happy expression plastered onto her face. 'Who knew he had so much in common with me? He really is the opposite of... Ollie. Yes, I still somewhat hold a grudge, but Arthur really seems sweet. He's kinda dorky, and nervous. It's cute! I'm really glad I talked 

to him tonight, I really needed a mood lightener. These past days have been living hell, but this lessened it, even if it's just a tad bit, it still did, and to that I'm happy.' She thought to herself with a relieved sigh. 'Is this what people would call Stockholm Syndrome? I mean I've heard of it, and usually thought it was crazy, but... I guess I'm seeing it in a whole new light.

Plus, I can't bring myself to hate Arthur, especially when he looks so much like Oliver.' She stepped into the bathroom to get ready to sleep, taking a bath, brushing her teeth, combing her hair, etc. That night (Y/N) was able to fall asleep, peacefully. 

~ M O R N I N G ~ 

(Y/N) awoke to the light streaming through the cracks of the windows, causing her to cover her eyes, but in return open one eye open tiredly. She looked to the wall to look at the time and saw that it was 9:20. 'I slept him? Well, I guess all that talking and brain work last night was tiring...' (Y/N) thought, as she groggily dragged her body to get up and ready for the day ahead of her. 

Once she was done, she was close to opening the door and felt something heavy prevent her from opening the door fully, but was able to open it just enough for her to fit her body through. Confused, she looked down, only to see a stack of books lying there, steadily in a neat pile. 

Smiling slightly, she thought 'He kept his promise, he always leaves it at the door huh?' As she took the roughly 7 in counting, books into her room and onto a night stand next to her bed. Finally setting them neatly and carefully, she carried on through her door. 

As she walked down the stairs, she was met with a scene she was not exactly thrilled to see. "Oh! Good morning,love! Sleep well?" Arthur asked, with a aura of pure happiness, (Y/N) could've sworn she saw sparkles emitting out of him. 

"Arthur... What are you doing? In the kitchen?... With a bowl and spoon?" (Y/N) said cautiously, taking a couple steps towards him, horrified but at the same time concerned and curious. "Well... I just thought of making us breakfast, since you did the other day... And maybe to celebrate our friendship.." Arthur whispered the last part as quietly as he could, hoping (Y/N) couldn't hear him. 

Luckily she didn't, she just replied "A-Arthur, really you don't have to..." "Love, I insist, what kind of gentleman would I be if I wasn't able to repay a lovely woman?"                                @

Arthur replied in a matter of factly tone. Causing (Y/N) to let out a nervous laugh, still smiling sort of awkwardly. "Well, Arthur, could I please help out at the least? Please?" She asked with a pleading tone and begging expression. Arthur, of course, being completely vulnerable to (Y/N), reluctantly said yes. 

(Y/N) smiled slightly in thanks, and continued on with their conversation. "So, what were you planning on making?" "Well, I originally thought of making waffles, but I couldn't quite get it right, so I just decided on pancakes like you did." 

"How long have you been at it?" "Well, maybe around 2 hours..." "Arthur! Why didn't you wake me up before! Trying for 2 hours? How are you not tired already?" "Well love, I did say I was going to make them as repayment, so I was hoping to do it as a surprise." "Oh Arthur...." 

The two continued on with the rest of the morning making the pancakes, and during that time got in a flour fight, delaying the time of actually eating the pancakes, and later eating and chatting idly with one another. (Y/N), bringing up the books and Arthur bringing up the clothes she was wearing, which were the ones he gave her. 

Arthur had to admit though, he thought (Y/N) looked absolutely stunning in baggy clothes, let alone his clothes. He couldn't help blush at the sight and thoughts. The rest of the evening was just of the two talking, while sipping tea. Everything was going so well, and it was like a dream to Arthur. 

He felt complete, and his affection and feelings towards (Y/N) just increased, and kept increasing the more he thought of her and interacted with the female. He couldn't help it, he was falling, and falling hard. (Y/N) was just on the beginning too.

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