Chapter 11

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~3rd POV~

Arthur ran to his room in a rush, not bothering to lock his door or bother to shut it quietly. Arthur closed his door and instantly sat down on his bed and put his head in his hands. 'It's over... It's all over... All of my hard work on earning her trust.. Down the bloody drain.'

'That git, he ruins everything! I'll never be able to be close with (Y/N), touch her, talk to her, interact with her! It'll be back to square one for me...' Without realizing it, tears slipped his eyes and into his hands. 'Why does this happene every time? Does the world not want me to be happy? Everyone ends up leaving me...'

His thoughts just seemed to drown him more and more into despair...

"So (Y/N)... What's your answer?"

(Y/N)'s mind was currently doing backflips in all sorts of ways. She couldn't process what just happened in her brain, it was too fast for her to comprehend. Multiple thoughts such as 'How long has he liked me?' Or 'Was he telling the truth?' And others as well.

(Y/N) felt a fluttery feeling in her stomach, and a warm feeling spread all over her body, but she wasn't sure why. Her face was flushed, her heart was racing. She didn't understand at all what was happening. 'This feeling... It's familiar... Somehow..' She thought placing a hand on her beating heart.

The room was just proceedingly consumed in eery silence, Matthew was just as confused and surprised. Alfred was waiting for (Y/N)'s reply, but going over what had happened in the last minutes, hoping his plans hadn't been foiled. He was concerned that (Y/N) didn't actually like him in that way, and was very nervous.

Luckily, she does. However, she was very hesitant and was debating. 'If I do say I like him too, and I end up not really liking him later, I don't want anything to be ruined!' or 'This feeling is... Close to Oliver's. But not the same... Somehow..' Suddenly her brain flashed to the times they've spent together.

The time they went out to the 'outing' or the time they spent chatting about their interests, or the time they both made each other breakfast. Her heart only seemed to speed up. (Y/N) then realized what this feeling was, and quickly bolted to Arthur's room.

This action of hers caused the two males currently downstairs to stare after her form in surprise. Alfred finally realizing where she was running to, smiled his heroic smile.

'Success! The hero saves the day once again!'

(Y/N) panted outside of Arthur's door, trying to catch her breath from running so suddenly. Finally getting the courage and strength to knock on his door, she said "Arthur?..." Only to get silence as her reply. "Arthur... Please let me in.. We need to talk."

Silence once again. (Y/N) let out a sigh, and decided to open the door cautiously. Opening the door softly, she saw Arthur on the edge of his bed near his night stand, head in his hands slumped over. Arthur didn't even move when he heard the door open.

"Arthur... Hey..." She walked over to his figure and stood in front of him. "Arthur... Please look at me." Arthur took a moment, but slowly raised his head out of his hands. (Y/N) instantly felt a rush of sadness from this sight.

Arthur's hair was messy, his face was drenched in tears, his eyes were bloodshot, and his expression was hopeless. It broke her heart to see the strong nation in such despair and sadness. (Y/N) instantly went in for a hug, surprising Arthur.

Arthur was surprised, but he hesitantly hugged back, he missed the girl's warmth, and felt if he let go he surely would lose it and never be able to gain it back. (Y/N) stroked his hair in a comforting way, hoping to calm him down as he cried more.

"I thought I'd lose you... And have to restart the whole thing." He said in between hics and sniffs. "Or worse.. L-leave me.." He continued as he buried his face into the crook of (Y/N)'s neck. (Y/N) let out a small sigh and continued to run her fingers through his hair.

"I could never leave you Arthur... I've become quite attached to my captor." She said with a slight teasing tone, causing Arthur to let out a little laugh. "I'm sorry love... I didn't know back then and acted on impulse and took away your significant other.."

(Y/N) hushed him, to prevent him from rambling. "That was in the past, so it stays in the past." Arthur suddenly spoke up, "I don't regret it though." This caught (Y/N) by surprise. "I don't regret it... Because I got to meet a beautiful woman, and the love of my life." Arthur said looking up at (Y/N) with a bright smile.

(Y/N) was shocked for a moment, clear on her features, but after a moment smiled lovingly at him. "Arthur Kirkland..." She said to him, and got a "Yes love?" As a reply. "I like you too." She aaid simply, smiling as well.

Arthur paused and stared at (Y/N). 'She likes me too?' He thought, utterly confused. He thought he'd never see the day when this would happen. 'She likes me... She likes me too! She likes me too!' He said happily in his mind, and unconsciously brought her in to an eager and loving kiss.

(Y/N) at first was taken back but complied back. The kiss was short, for Arthur pulled back and was embarrassed. "I'm sorry love, I don't know what got over me, how ungentlemanly of me." He said looking to the side flushed. (Y/N) just laughed, and brought him back in for another one.

This went on for another couple minutes until they were forced to pull back for air. The two panting, looked into each other's eyes lovingly, and touched foreheads. The two were still enveloped into an embrace, and stayed like that for some time.

(Y/N) instantly remembered the company downstairs, probably worried or confused on what happened. "Arthur... Alfred and Matthew.." She said quietly, trying to slip out of his embrace. Arthur wasn't having it however. "It's alright, they probably already left. Don't fret over it." he said continuing to bury into the embrace.

(Y/N) only lightly laughed at his actions and just decided to submit. "I swear Arthur, you can act childish sometimes." She only got a grumble as a response, causing her to laugh more. For the rest of the day, Arthur and (Y/N) decided to have a lazy

day and cuddle.

While with Matthew and Alfred...

"Don't you think we should've w-warned them somehow that we were leaving so they d-don't get worried?..." Matthew said pointing his index fingers together nervously. "Don't worry bro, they'll thank us later! For now, we'll call it day!" Alfred said smiling

victoriously. Suddenly he pauses confused and looked over to Matthew. "Eh who are you?" "C-Canada..." "Eh... Spooky he disappeared! Cool!" Matthew just let out a sigh and sat quietly.


As for (Y/N) and Arthur... Starting their new relationship, the two will conquer new obstacles together. And to think, this all happened by an impulse, but wouldn't you say it's fate?

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