Chapter 12

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~ O L I V E R ' S E N D I N G ~

It was April 26 xxxx. (Y/N) and Arthur were awake, and were thinking of making some pancakes, like they're normal routine. However, today was different. When they were in the kitchen, about to get out the supplies, there was a knock at the door. This confused the two, and they looked at each other questioningly.

"Did you invite anyone over today?" "No, I wouldn't do that without your consent." "..." The two looked at the door as another knock sounded throughout the house. (Y/N) decided she would get the door, better not make the stranger wait outside. (Y/N) made her way to the door and slowly unlocked the locks.

As as she opened the door, the sight of the person caused her to nearly faint. There stood, the man in pink and blue. (Y/N) stared blankly at Oliver, she thought this was an imagination, just a part of her mind. "Love? Whose at the door?" Arthur asked as he walked to the door.

When he saw Oliver, he instantly made a noise of disgust, or a snarl, and pushed (Y/N) behind him. Murmuring "I knew this would happen sometime.." "Dear Arthur! Well wasn't that a bit rude to do to your guest? I just wanted to pay a lovely visit!~" Oliver said, emphasizing on the word lovely with a sickly tone.

"You're never a guest at this household! Leave us alone!" Arthur shouted to his second player with a frustrated tone. "Goodness, no need to raise your voice! After all it's just little old me!~ Also..." He trailed off looking off to the side for a moment with the pink and blue starting to swirl inside of his eyes.

"I came to take back my beautiful almost bride!~ Almost because someone rudely interrupted us! In such a horrible unfair way!" Oliver's voice started to raise with a tone of anger, and he looked over to (Y/N)'s shocked figure, that was behind Arthur. When he saw her face however, his eyes softened.

"That's why... I would love it if you handed her over cooperatively, we wouldn't want the poor poppet to see any bloodshed now would we?~" Oliver said looking back to Arthur with his normal Cheshire grin. "Because of you, she's already seen worse you bloody monster! There's no way I am handing her over so easily!" Arthur shouted, fully shielding (Y/N).

"Alright, I didn't want to come to this, but you leave me no choice Artie!~" Ollie said pulling out his knife. "Now you'll now how I felt when you 'killed' me!" Oliver shouted and was about to advance until a feminine voice was heard loud and clear.

"Wait! Please Ollie wait! Don't kill Arthur please!" (Y/N) yelled, stepping out from behind Arthur, and trying to get in front of him as well. "I'm sorry Arthur... I really am... But... I've always loved Ollie.. And I still do... I'm sorry." She said bowing her head in shame while the two Brittish men stared at her surprised and shocked.

"I tried to replace Oliver with you, since you look so much like him, and I thought I would never see him again. I'm sorry, it's very horrible, but I really enjoyed my time with you Arthur! It's just... I couldn't learn to love again, at least not without Ollie..." (Y/N) finished trailing off, with a sad look.

Arthur was still shocked, he couldn't get this through his mind thoroughly. 'Does that mean this whole time I thought we were getting closer... When We really weren't?' He thought, still trying to process information. While with Oliver, he was smiling victoriously, but also smiling because he was happy to see his cupcake again, and that she wanted to go with him instead.

Arthur looked down, trying to hide his face, shaking his head. He turned around and started walking away, going to his room. "Arthur! Wai-" "No. Love, go. If you truly choose him, and he will make you happy... Then... I'll cope with it." Arthur said in a almost monotone voice, but choked up. This caused (Y/N) to look after him, feeling a sudden rush of sorrow.

Oliver watched with a bored, and almost agitated look. However, he decided he would brighten up since now he has his lovely girlfriend back. "Come poppet, please smile! We can go home now, back to our home! We can finally be happy together for eternity!~" Oliver said trying to cheer the girl up as they walked out of the house.

"I know... But I feel guilty..." (Y/N) said looking down as they got into the car Oliver owned. "Cheer up buttercup! We have each other now, and when we get home we can cuddle to make it feel all better! Oh! And even make cupcakes!~" He said full of excitement and bubbly. (Y/N) just stared at him for a moment, then touched his cheek with her hand.

"Poppet?" "Ollie I thought you died... When you got shot I felt like my whole world shattered. I missed you so much.. This isn't a dream right?" (Y/N) said as she caressed his cheek, starting to tear up. "Oh (Y/N), I'm right here, this isn't a dream." Oliver said as he also started to tear up as the two embraced.

"Oh poppet, I was so scared when you were leaving with that awful man! I thought that when I came to get you back, you'd already of have long forgotten about me, and be married to him! It broke my heart when I thought about such things..." He said stroking her hair as they hugged.

"Oliver, I could never forget about you, even if I tried to, or even if I moved on to another person!" She said burying her face into his chest. The two embraced for what felt like eternity, until they had to pull away. When they pulled away, they looked into each other's eyes for a bit and sat back into their seats, holding hands.


"Ollie?..." "Hm?" "How did you come back?..." Ollie just chuckled at this before replying. "Well... I assume you already figured out the secret I was going to tell you the day Arthur visited. Did Artie tell you about how countries can't die unless their nation fails?" When (Y/N) responded by a simple nod, he proceeded. "Well, since he's also alive, then that means our nation didn't fall!~"

(Y/N) just smiled and made an 'oh' kind of gesture. "How about you poppet?" "Hm?" "He didn't do anything did he? He didn't force you into anything did he?" Oliver said in a panicking, but deadly, voice. (Y/N) shook her head fast, not wanting Oliver to get worked up, noticing his grip tightening on her hand. "No, no, no. He didn't do anything bad or stuff like that, he was just a gentleman."

Oliver sighed with relief at this, loosening his grip on the females delicate hand. The rest of the car was filled with comfortable, settling silence. When they got back to the Kirkland mansion, the old one, (Y/N) took a long inhale of the smell of sweets and tea. (Y/N) nearly wanted to start crying again.

Oliver noticed this, and took her up to their long awaited room and cuddled her. Oliver's hands were on her hips, fastening at the back, and pulled her close to his body, as their limbs tangled. (Y/N) snuggled up to his chest and took in the warmth of Oliver.

The two were quietly cuddling in joy, no words needed, just little hugs and butterfly kisses. The two were over joyed that they were back into each other's arms, just like it's supposed to be. For the rest of the evening, all they did was take it easy. From cuddling on the bed, to baking cupcakes.

Yup... Just like it is and was supposed to be...

Authors Note

Yay another update! That's right, I decided to make an ending for Oliver because I still felt bad, and I wanted to I guess make this ending for people who still felt that what happened to Oliver wasn't fair? I don't know

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