Chapter 7

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~3rd POV~

That evening, (Y/N) and Arthur spent the rest of the day, (Y/N) calming down, and Arthur embracing and whispering supporting and loving words to the female. Around 5pm did she fully calm down. The two were still cuddling up to one another. "I'm sorry Arthur... I don't know what got over me so easily.."

"No, it's quite alright love. You've had to deal with so much lately, and I don't blame you at all."

The two casually conversed back and forth, still embraced, though (Y/N) didn't really notice or pay mind to it, Arthur sure did. Trying his best to hold back on the stuttering and blush overcoming him. The two were suddenly interrupted by a low but powerful grumbling sound, causing the two to pause. (Y/N) looked down embarrassed, face going red. "Well, I suppose it has gotten quite late, I guess it's time for dinner." Arthur said with a slight smile at (Y/N)'s embarrassed state.

"You sir, are not going to cook though." (Y/N) said with a slight smirk and teasing stare, poking a finger to his chest. Arthur, looking offended, replied "What does that bloody mean? Are you saying there's something wrong with my cooking?" "Precisely." She encountered simply, slipping out of their tangled limbs and into the kitchen. Arthur, sitting there slightly pouting, missing the females warmth, decided to follow her into the kitchen as well.

"I don't understand what's so bad about my cooking! You people keep treating my cooking like its some type of plague!" Arthur said furiously, using his hands to empathize his emotions. "Arthur, that's absurd... It's more like an instant death sentence." "That's not any better you git!" (Y/N) let out a laugh and continued on her way of making the two dinner.

"So, what do you plan on making since I'm unable to cook." He grumbled walking beside her. "I'm making simple pizza." She replied, instantly thinking of the Italian brothers named Flávio and Luciano. 'Gee I wonder what they've been up to lately.. Probably no good.' She thought letting out a slight giggle, causing the British man to raise a brow at her action.

"Something funny, love?" "Oh, no I was just thinking of these two Italian brothers I know, who love pasta and pizza." He looked at (Y/N) with a small ting of jealousy, but quickly whiped it off dismissing the idea. "(Y/N).... W-would you.. Perhaps like to.. Go to a cafe that I like to go from time to time? A-ah you don't have to of course! But I just thought.." Arthur stuttered out, trailing off with his words in embarrassment. "What about work?" "Well I planned on taking off work."

(Y/N) feigned thinking, internally laughing at his shyness, replied with "Hmm... What if I said no?" This caused Arthur to darken more and become more of a stuttering mess. "W-well, L-love that's alright, I don't want to force y-you or anything.." Arthur started to rub his knuckles in humiliation, trying to cover up his disappointment. At this (Y/N) slightly laughed and took ahold of his hands. "Arthur, I was kidding, I would love to go with you to a cafe!"

"R-really?" Arthur was bewildered that she accepted his invitation. He thought that he was moving too fast, but happy he asked in the first place. The female nodded with a happy smile, almost giggling at the sight of Arthur being so joyful, the way his face immediately turned from surprised to lighting up.

As the two continued on with their talking, (Y/N) tried to get Arthur to learn how to make pizza with her. Keyword, tried. For Arthur burnt the doh somehow, and the two ended up just ordering pizza instead. Arthur, or course being the high class British gentleman he is, objected greatly and insulted the food, but (Y/N) persuaded him, quite easily too. All it took was a bit of pouting.

"So what is this cafe like?" (Y/N) asked as she ate her pizza at the table. "Well, it's very relaxing. Not to mention very peaceful and no loud kids, or loud Americans." Arthur stated, sipping his tea. At this reply, (Y/N) could barely contain her laugh, she knew how much he despised the loud American, but deep down she knew he adored Alfred. Just like Oliver and Allen.

"Now that you said that, I should just invite Alfred over, just for the fun of it!" She replied teasingly, knowing she'll get a reaction out of the Brit. "Don't you bloody dare! He will ruin the one cafe I became attached to!.. Plus... I was thinking it would just the two of us..." Arthur whispered towards the end, hoping she wouldn't be able to hear what he said. "Oh? You want it to just be us? Hmm... I guess that's normal for a date." She empathized on the word date, causing Arthur to once again blush.

"Y-you!.. It is not a d-date... It is an... Outing! Yes and outing!" Arthur tried covering up with a bold face, still having the blush however. "Whatever you say Arthur... No need to be shy." She said sending a flirtatious look towards the male, causing him to lose face. The night continued on with harmless teasing and yelling, until it was 9pm, when the two decided to call it a night.

Bidding their 'goodnight's and 'sweet dream's, the two turned to their rooms and settled down. Arthur went into his room and sat down on his bed for a moment and closed his eyes. Remembering that he's taking (Y/N) out for a date, he smiled like a fool and fell into his bed dreamily, and dazed. Still remembering the feeling of her in his arms, Arthur felt she fit into him just right, like a puzzle piece. After maybe 5 minutes more of lazying around, he decided it would be best to get ready for bed.

(Y/N) entered her room and closed the door softly. She stood leaning on the door for a moment, thinking over of the events that happened that day. When she thought of being embraced by Arthur, she unconsciously started overheating. Heart beating faster, she put a hand over her heart, and paused for a couple minutes. 'Am I falling for him?... No, it's too soon... Or at least I believe..' She thought to herself in denial. Decided to not overthink it, she went to go take a bath and call it a night.

Before she went to sleep, she turned on her side and let her brain take over. 'I can't wait for tomorrow's date. I hope Arthur is serious about this place being the bomb.' She thought laughing to herself that he called it an 'outing'.

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