18 | Confession Hour

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"BAD NEWS." Lucas said as he hung up the phone, a scowl resting on his face.

I sat on the couch, next to Kale, my feet resting on his lap.

"What is it this time?" Kale sighed, the rest of the guys turning their attention on to Lucas.

"We're gonna have to rethink our plan for what we're doing with Travis. Since he's next on our list. Darren is sending him out to pick up a shipment tonight at eight. He'll be down at the pier, alone. So in order for us to get him, we'll have to go down there. You know, corner him, get some information about all of these shipments they have coming in, then get rid of him."  Lucas suggested, earning a wicked smirk from Kale.

"Even better. I can drown the bastard then." Kale chuckled.

The rest of the guys smirked right along with him. I shifted nervously next to Kale. I hated thinking about how Travis was going to meet an inevitable end, but I knew what he was trying to do. Of course I knew this was what Kale did best. He killed for a living, literally.

"C'mon baby, let's go upstairs."

I began walking up the stairs behind Kale, running a hand through my hair. I could really use a nap, I thought to myself. I started to feel slight pain in my abdomen and I shifted again. Trying to hold back a hiss, I rubbed the area to soothe the pain. When we got to our room, he went and laid on the bed.

"Are you okay baby?" Kale asked, noticing my movement.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I lied.

I was in an overwhelming amount of pain, but I was determined to not let Kale see it. He gave me a weird look.

"No you're not. I can tell something's wrong. What is it?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

I sighed, knowing I'd eventually have to tell him.

"My abdomen is hurting. But I promise it's nothing. Please don't worry." I rushed out, not meeting his eyes.

His eyes widened as he sat up on the bed and  he furrowed his brows deeper.

"What if something is wrong with the baby Addison? Don't play it off as nothing. Because you know if something were to happen to you or the baby I wouldn't be able to live with myself."

"I know, but please don't worry. Go on your mission, and if anything happens, I'll call you. Or have Cooper call you."

He sighed, knowing he wouldn't win this argument.

"Fine. But if the pain gets worse or something happens, I better be the first to know. You're the most important thing in my life Addison. If something happens you better let me know." He warned.

"You'll be the first to know, I promise." I shot him a smile.

"I love you, okay? And I'm probably going to worry like crazy while I'm gone tonight. But I mean it Add, call me if even the slightest thing happens." He got off the bed and walked over to where I stood. Dropping to his knees, he came eye level with my bump. His hands reached up to lift my shirt just enough to expose the round skin. "Hey little one, stop making Mommy hurt okay? Daddy worries about you two when this happens." Kale whispered, his lips leaving kisses on my stomach.

I felt the kick of a foot only seconds later.

"I just got kicked." He chuckled, rising to his feet.

"He doesn't like when you reprimand him." I grinned.

"Why do you think it's a boy? I'm pretty sure it's a girl, babe." He shrugged, giving me a lopsided smile.

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