20 | Confessions Of A Serial Killer (Part 1)

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ADDISON PULLED INTO the parking lot of the LAPD, feeling her chest tighten. Exiting the car, she inhaled a deep breath, preparing herself for the worse before heading inside.

Lucas spotted her near the front desk, a confused look on her face. She looked up see him walking in her direction. When her eyes met his, she took off running. Opening his arms, he pulled her in for a tight, friendly hug.

"What the hell is going on Luke?" She whispered, her voice shaky.

"Come with me, they're questioning him right now. The rest of the guys are standing by the room watching." He pulled her arm in the direction of the questioning that was in session.

Through the glass, Kale sat in the chair, a look of utter disgust resting on his beaten face. Upon taking in his battered appearance, she gasped at the amount of bruising that already layered his face.

"Addison. You're here." Mason gave her a slight smile.

After Kale's arrest, Lucas had called Ian to tell them of the news. They had rushed down to the station as fast as they could.

"Someone tell me what happened!" She demanded.

"Darren's dead. He called us earlier this morning saying he wanted a meeting. Something about ending this fight. But when we got there, he started mouthing off to Kale about how he saw you getting dressed this morning—" Lucas started, only to be cut off by Addison.

"He was watching me?"

Lucas nodded, before continuing.

"Yeah, and he completely set us up. He didn't want to talk. He knew he could get Kale angry enough to do something stupid. Hence why we're here."

"But he's just digging himself a deeper hole in there. He's back in that dark place he was when Maddy died. He's in there mouthing off to the cops and he nearly decked one of them earlier." Mitchell sighed, his eyes fixed on Kale's body that sat inside the room.

"I don't think he'll be able to get himself out of this."

"No, he's going to come out of this. He will." Addison shook her head, trying to keep the tears from streaming down her face.

"They watched him kill someone Add, he's in a load of shit." Lucas tried to plead with her, to make her understand. "This is serious. He may not get out of this."

"He will! I know he will. He has to." She tried to reason with herself more than anything.

The boys stayed silent.

Inside the interrogation room James Buchanan sat questioning Kale.

"Mr. Matthews, can you tell me why you were at Darren Stephenson's warehouse?" Detective Buchanan asked, tapping his pen on the table.

"Let me tell you this Detective, Darren Stephenson didn't get where he is now by playing nice." Kale spat, his anger rising to the surface once again.

Kale looked over to his attorney, Casey Levin, who was glaring at him.

"You know Kale, I've been doing this for a while. And I can see that you got a lot of weight on you. And I can also see that you wanted to let it go. After the death of your sister, you hit rock bottom, and you have a lot of pent up anger—"

"Listen here, you don't bring my sister into this. Got it?" He growled, pointing a finger at James.

"Ah I see, I found your weak spot."

"No. You're being an asshole. I won't answer another thing if you continue on about my sister."

"Let's get to the real reason as to why you're here then, shall we Mr. Matthews?" James asked.

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