Chapter 3: The End

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The last day of my life came upon me so suddenly that I had no way of stopping it from happening, or even of seeing it coming.  I was only nineteen at the time, and my life had barely begun.

I had secretly gone out to my hill, like I’d done for nearly ten years, and I laid down to watch the birds fly and the clouds float by, and I must have fallen asleep while doing so.  It was a perfectly warm day and wonderfully peaceful, so I must have relaxed enough to doze off for a while.  The next thing I heard was someone talking off in the distance high above me.  So when I jerked myself up and looked toward the sounds, I saw two vampires talking to each other as they headed in my direction.  In a panic to get away undiscovered, I sprinted into my tunnel and back underneath the barrier into the protection of Rosewood’s spell.  I didn’t think they saw me so I just went through like normal and went home to get some rest.  When I awoke about two hours later and went outside for some air, something felt strange.  It started to feel colder, and even looked darker.  It was only the mid-afternoon so the sun shouldn’t have even begun to set just yet, so I was very ill at ease.  No one else seemed to notice, and I kept becoming more and more uneasy.  Then, it all started unfolding right before my eyes.

The first thing I did was look at my hill – I had some instinct and urge to, for some reason – and what I saw made my heart stop.  There, right at the top of the hill, stood the Count Dracula himself.  As soon as I looked at him his head snapped in my direction and he looked directly into my eyes.  There should have been no way of him seeing me through the barrier, and yet he was holding my gaze a devilish grin on his face.  He kept staring at me almost as if he was looking into me somehow and finding out everything about me.  I blinked and Count Dracula was standing, quite tall, less than six inches from me.  Still, no one seemed to notice a thing was wrong, and I began to wonder why again when Dracula told me, “None can see or hear us in this spot, Juliette.  I have made it so until I wish it otherwise.”

His voice was like silk, so soft and alluring, and it had an undertone of pure evil.  I couldn’t help but be paralyzed by it.  I managed to get out the words to ask him how he had known my name, to which his reply came, “I know everything there is to know about you, Juliette Noel Fallon.  As I stood upon ‘your hill’ I looked into you.  I saw into your heart, your soul, your mind.  That is also how I knew your query about why none could see me.  Your thoughts read loud and clear within my mind.  I know you are frightened now, and I also know that you are aware of who I am.  Yes, I am the most powerful and influential vampire that has ever lived.  I am the fear and raw terror in the hearts of many, including yours, child.  I am the night and the darkness of this land.  The one whose name frightens all; who can strike fear into a mind by mere mention of my very name.  I am Dracula.”

The last sentence he spoke sent chills down my spine; he had this grin on his face that was just frightening.  It was as if he was planning something for me; as if he knew my fate.  Then, his face changed from a smirking grin to a wide, evil smile.

“You are indeed a very smart girl, and rather beautiful.  You will make a most wonderful bride once you become one of my kind.”

At that my heart began to beat furiously fast.  Dracula already had three wives, didn’t he?  Why would he need another?  And why would he want me?

“I thought you already had three wives?” I managed to choke out.

“Ah, sadly my third wife was killed quite a time ago.  I have been searching for another ever since, but I could not find the perfect one.  Until two of my scouts discovered you earlier today, that is.  I had thought that I destroyed Rosewater 300 years ago, but it clearly appears I was mistaken.  This just means that I must try a little harder this time, I suppose.”

Oh no…

Just then I heard a female voice scream, a loud and piercing shriek.  It sounded like someone had just ripped a woman in half; that’s what came to mind when I heard it.  Then there were more screams and I saw people running in all directions, but I had no idea why.  Then, I saw them.

There was a group of vampires flying and running around attacking the people of Rosewater and taking them away.  Dracula just shook his head in disgust.

“I thought I had told my ‘loyal subjects’ not to come here until I had turned you.  It seems that the do not understand to follow orders or be burned.  Ah, well once I have you I will not need a single one of those incompetent fools.”

I could do nothing but stand and stare in horror as I watched my friends and family be murdered or taken away right before my eyes.  Dracula was facing away from me and was barking orders at the other vampires.  After a minute of it, I finally realized that I might only have that one opportunity to escape and try to help others get away.  So I ran for my life.

By this time night had fallen, and most of the commotion had died down and gone away.  It was pitch black except for one light that was quite possibly a way to safety.  Since there was no one left alive now but myself, I had to get away.  As I ran towards the light, I heard an unfamiliar voice yell, “There’s one left!  I’ve got her!”  Just as the voice finished speaking, I heard Dracula roar, “NO!  The girl is mine!”  I was well away from them at the present time, but the second I turned around to check he was right behind me.  I tried to weave in and out of buildings and other obstacles to get away from him, but he was always right there in my wake.  I knew that vampires could move at extremely fast speeds, and that they had power over lesser beings, such as humans, so I couldn’t figure out why Dracula hadn’t caught me yet.  Maybe he was just doing this for sport?  He surely could have taken my life already if he wanted to.  Thrill of the chase perhaps?  At that point I was more concerned with escaping and keeping my life, so I didn’t pause to ask questions or think past run.

“Ah, you will make a most wonderful bride!  Oh, how fast you run even as a mortal!  I, myself, can scarcely keep up!”

So that’s how I had managed to sneak away!  That’s why he hasn’t caught me yet!

I forced myself to look around to see my surroundings, and when I did I realized just how fast I was actually running.  Everything was a colorless blur, and I could only differentiate buildings in the darkness.  I had no idea I could run that fast.

Whoa!  Light pole.

But how was I able to go so fast?  I didn’t even know I could, so how?  I tried not to think on it more than that considering Dracula was still chasing me.

I slowed down for only a moment while I was thinking, but that was a moment I could not take back.  Dracula was very quickly catching up, and I was running out of steam.  I had nowhere else to run, and I knew my time was up.  It was time to give in.  So I stopped running and whipped around to face my demise, but when I did he was gone.  All I could do was stand there puzzled and confused as to why he would have disappeared when…

“Ah, how valiant an effort you have made to escape your fate, Juliette…”

Dracula was right behind me.  I whipped around again, nearly losing my balance.

“…But sadly all your efforts have been made in vain, for you are now caught and trapped.”

He was right; I had nowhere to go even if I could move.  I was somehow paralyzed again, unable to look away from his intense stare.  He knew he had power over me, and he intended to use it.

“Now, take he hand of your groom-to-be and kiss it.”

“No, why would I—“ and I did as I was commanded.

“Good, good.  You follow orders well, even if you do resist.  The time for you to join me has come, Juliette.”

He grabbed my upper arms gently but firmly, and leaned into me and whispered in my ear, “It will be over quickly, I assure you.  You won’t feel too much pain.”  Then he leaned past my ear and bent down to my neck, holding me and leaning me backwards as he went, and sank his incredibly sharp fangs into my pale slender neck.

The last thing I can remember is pain; lots of pain.  The most pain I had ever felt in my entire life.  It came from the side of my neck and spread, setting my entire body on fire.  The pain lasted for what seemed to be around a minute, and then there was nothing.  Dracula had not lied to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2011 ⏰

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