I Got Kidnapped and I'm Enjoying It

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Hey! Mi nombre es Skye Maria Leana Rodriguez.  In English that means, my name is Skye Maria Leana Rodriguez.

I have light brown hair that falls in perfect ringlets and stops at my waist, bright green eyes, perfect lips. I do drugs, drink alcohol, and can do anything a guy can do.  I am half Puerto Rican and half Brazilian.  I am always extremely hyper, like ADHD times 500. 

I live with my best friend, Kyle, since my parents kicked me out.  I go to school like twice a week, I got expelled from 3 schools this year so far, for stupid shit.  I only caught a few things on fire, broke a teacher's arm, held a knife to a girl's throat and punched 2 principals in the face.  I am currently 'listening' to my teacher talking about Newton Bars or Newton's laws or shit like that.

"Newton's Laws were centered around gravity and energy" Mr. Wells said reading from the projector.  I raised my hand and he called on me

"Didn't Johnny Appleseed, like, discover gravity or something?" I asked and the whole class started laughing.  I was confused as why they were laughing and Mr. Wells looked furious.

"Well, Skye. if you were here for the last week, which you weren't, you would know that Sir Issac Newton discovered gravity when an apple fell on his head while sleeping under a tree" He said while writing it on the board and underlining it. 

"I was half right.  I said apple, so I should get half credit" I said putting on my hood and falling asleep in class.  I heard a loud bang like 20 minutes l popped up to see Kyle smiling.  I looked on my desk to see 5 books stacked up on each other. 

"I have a fucking hangover 'cause of you and Tyler.  Who in the fuckity fuck mixes Tequila, Vodka, Patron, and Whiskey in one shot?  I took like 6 of those yesterday" I said slipping my sunglasses on and leaving since class was over. 

"Dude, no one told you to keep drinking so you can't blame it on us" He said putting his hands up in a defensive way.  I shoved him into a locker

"You were the ones giving me the shots over and over until I threw up" I whispered since my head was throbbing from the noise around me.  We were walking to the roof since that's where my friends and I meet after 3rd period to smoke.  We had to climb up like 15 stairs to get to the roof.  I pushed the door open and sure enough my friends Tyler, Mike, Luis, John, Trevor and Roy were passing joints around.

Tyler's dark brown eyes were hidden by sunglasses and his long brown hair was left tangled.

Mike's dyed red hair was messy and his green eyes were glazed over.

Luis' black hair was under a hat and he had his glasses on, meaning he forgot to put in his contacts.

John's buzz cut black hair was so fun to play with and his light brown eyes were bloodshot.

Trevor's short blonde hair was perfectly styled and his blue eyes made him have that, 'preppy white kid' look.

Roy's naturally red hair and green eyes made him look like Alan Ashby a little.

Kyle's surfer blonde hair and lowered brown eyes just gave him a full-out pothead look.

"Sup, Skittles. Yo, Killa" Tyler said dapping up me and Kyle.  Kyle and I walked over to the rest and dapped them up.  We all have nicknames, I am Skittles, Kyle is Killa, Tyler is Tye Dye, Mike is Microphone, John is J.J, Luis is LCD, Trevor is Trey, Roy is The Rock. 

"So Skittles, how's your hangover?" Tye Dye teased, making me glare at him.

"It depends, how's your AIDs from that whore you banged last night?" I asked taking the joint from J.J's hand.  I hit it, then passed it to Trey. 

"Hey, I don't have AIDs more like Herpes.  Oral Herpes" He said and everyone dropped what the hand in their hands and wiped our mouth and started spitting. "Joking" He smiled and we sighed in relief "Or am I?" He said smirking at the reactions.

"You're such an asshole" I said and we heard the bell ring.  Time for lunch. 

Little did I know, I wasn't gunna have lunch with them for a long time.

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