Six Flags

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"Skye, babe, long time no see.  How you been Skittles?" He asked and I felt my face pale.

"You guys know each other?" David asked and I turned to him.

"Yeah" I said and Lucas walked up to me and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. 

"Skittles and I are old friends.  We even had a love life" He said and I slipped from under his grip.

"Okay, no.  First of all, I hate you and second of all, only friends call me Skittles" I said and he smiled at me. 

"Babe, you still love me" He said and I laughed at him.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night" I said and walked up to Leo.  He wrapped an arm around my shoulder.  Lucas chuckled at us and we looked at him.

"Aww, Skittles and Little Leo are in love.  Although, no one can take my place" He said and blew a kiss at me.

"Fuck you, Lucas" I said and he winked at me.

"You've done that enough times" He said and fist bumped Pauly.

"Funny" I said while rolling my eyes.  Sarcasm dripping from my voice.

"I know" He said and we started walking.  David payed for the 7 of us and Lucas paid for the 4 of them.  We walked in and I smiled and started jumping up and down like a little kid.  "You always did love this place" Lucas said walking next to me.  I pushed him away and kept walking.  He chuckled and kept walking.

"Leo, let's go on that" I said pointing to the nearest roller coaster.

"I don't go on roller coasters" He said and I grabbed him by the hand.

"You also didn't smoke or skateboard but I made you" I said and tugged him towards the ride.  We stood in line with 10 other people in it.  It wasn't busy today because it was a weekday.  It was like 92 degrees outside and I was lucky to get kidnapped.  Who says that?  I do.

"Wow, you hate him that much?" Leo asked in my ear.  I nodded and we stood there.  It took us 11 minutes to get on the ride and when we did, it was kinda fun.  When we got off, Leo wrapped an arm around my shoulder and we walked around.

"How long have you known Lucas?" I asked Leo.  Lucas popped out of nowhere and walked next to us.

"For about 15 years" Lucas said and I looked at Leo telling him to leave.  He unwrapped his arm from my shoulder.

"Umm, I need to go over there and do that thing that people do when they go over there..." Leo said and left.  I turned and looked at Lucas.

"Why can't you just leave my life alone?" I asked and he pulled my towards him.  He is taller than the guys he's about 6'4" and towers over me.  My head was against his chest and I pulled back. 

"I love you too much to leave you alone" He said wrapping an arm around my shoulder.  He doesn't take a hint.  I just let him since he wouldn't listen to me if I said stop.

"It's been 7 months.  Get over it, you're freakin' sexy and fuckable.  Get another girl, who actually wants you" I said and he smirked.

"You think I'm sexy and fuckable?" He asked and I rolled my eyes.

"That's not my point.  My point is, get another girl.  It might make you happy.  Oh yeah, this time, don't rape and beat her" I said and he looked me into my eyes.

"I will never be happy if I'm not with you"  He said ad I sighed.  I slipped from under his grip.

"You won't know if you don't try" I said and he pulled me towards him and smashed his lips against mine.  I was shocked and felt the fireworks I always did when we kissed.  I closed my eyes and he pulled back.  I opened my eyes and looked at him.

"You can't say you didn't feel that spark" He said and I smiled a little.

"I never said I didn't I said I wouldn't allow it.  I will always love you Lucas, but you need to let me go" I said and he shook his head.

"I will never let you go.  You're going to see me a lot.  The guys that kidnapped you are my best friends.  I love you and you will never understand that" He said and a tear ran down my face.

"You keep claiming you love me.  Love is not when you abuse and rape someone" I said and he grabbed my hands in his bigger warm ones.  Shocks ran up my arm.

"I was going through a rough time, my parents divorcing, my sister in the hospital.  It just put a lot of pressure on me.  I didn't know how to take out my frustration so I chose to take it out on you.  I really do love you, but you have Leo and I have no one"  He said and I pulled my hands away.  I took 2 steps back.

"You were right earlier, no one can take your place.  I love you so much, but I hate how much I love you.  I try to mask my love with hatred but it's not working.  I need some space, just try to find someone else" I said and kissed him on the cheek.

"We're at Six Flags, we can't leave right now" He said and I nodded.

"Well at least don't bother me that often.  You can only bother me 5 times today" I said and walked away.  I seen Leo standing at the confession stand.  I walked over to him and he hugged me.

"What did he say" Leo asked.

"Nothing important, we just had a conversation about Christmas" I said and he raised an eyebrow.

"In August" He said and I shrugged.

"It's actually the beginning at September" I said and he shook his head.

"Actually, it's August 30th" He said and I flipped my hair.

"Tacos are really good" I said saying what I was thinking.

"What did that have to do with anything?" He asked and I looked at him like he was crazy.

"No way, Spongebob is not better than Patrick" I said and he got confused.  Lucas walked over and put a hand on Leo's shoulder.

"Is she always this weird?" Leo asked and Lucas chuckled.

"Yeah, after a while you get used to it.  Watch" Lucas said and looked at me.  "Pizza or Lions?" He asked and I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Trees.  But ninjas jump higher" I said and Lucas raised and eyebrow.

"Actually Hogwarts is bigger than a turtle" He said and I scoffed.

"Right, and my puppy was born with a yo-yo attached to his paw" I rolled my eyes. "Peanut sniffer" I mumbled and Lucas turned back to Leo.

"See, it's not that hard to communicate with her.  Just say random, weird shit" Lucas said and I put my hand in the air like I was in a classroom.

"Yeah, sir, alright.  I'm not an animal, I can understand you.  You can speak English to me, not a foreign language" I said and walked away.

"Women" Lucas mumbled and I smirked.

I Got Kidnapped and I'm Enjoying ItWhere stories live. Discover now