I Just Want To Live Happily

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After 20 minutes of Lucas and I sitting in the closet, Leo left. I silently cheered and got out the closet. Lucas plopped down on my bed and I looked at the time. 1:52 pm. I got clothes out the closet and went to take a shower. I washed myself and my hair and finished shaving. I heard the bathroom door squeak open and it closed. I rolled my eyes, thinking it was Lucas. "Lucas, get out" I said

"Wrong person" I heard Leo say and I moaned

"Get out" I told him and turned off the water. I stuck my hand out the door and grabbed a towel. I wrapped it around my body and stepped out the shower. I caught Leo staring and I shouldered passed him to grab my clothes

"Skye, talk to me" He begged and I turned my back to him

"We have nothing to talk about" I whispered, slipping on my boxers and baggy sweatpants

"We have lots to talk about" He told me and I dropped the towel to put on my bra and slip on my big shirt. That took a second and I faced him

"You told me never to talk to you" I told him, poking him in the chest. He took a step back and I took a step forward.

"You told me not to put you in my decision" I poked him and we repeated.

"You have a girlfriend, so obviously I think you moved on" We did the process and his back hit the wall. I put my hand flat on his chest. I could feel his heartbeat. I looked into his eyes and I felt my stomach flutter.

"So why are you doing this to me?" I whispered to him and he grabbed my hips, pulling me closer

"Because, you put a spell on me. That spell made me want you forever" He whispered in my ear and I pushed away from him.

"I can't do this" I told him and I ran. I ran to the first place I could think of. I ran to David. I ran down the stairs but came to a stop when I seen David sitting in the kitchen. I ran to him and I crouched behind him.

"What are y-" He asked me and I put my finger to my lips silencing him

"David, did you see Skye?" I heard Leo ask and David shook his head

"Nope, sorry big cousin" David replied and it took all in me not to gasp.

"Alright, thanks" Leo said and left.

"You guys are cousins?" I asked him

"Well, Leo is my cousin. Miguel is my nephew. Derek is Evan's brother. Evan and Derek are my half-brothers. Christian is my brother" He explained and I nodded.

"That's why you guys look alike but different at the same time" I said and he pulled me on his lap.

"So tell me, why are you hiding from my dear cousin?" He asked and I told him the whole story

"I then ran downstairs and hid behind you" I finished and he sighed

"So you have to be all scary and tomboyish again?" He asked and I nodded.

"So, I'm going to find Franky and we're going to smoke" I told him so I pushed off of him and walked out the kitchen. I walked face first into a chest. I put my hands under me as I hit the floor and I heard somebody chuckle. "As long as one of us are having fun" I muttered and looked up to see a person I don't know.

"Staring's not nice" He told me, snapping me out of the trance. He winked his icy blue eye at me. He leaned a hand down and I smacked it away

"Dude, I don't need your help" I said rudely. I lifted myself up and I dusted myself off. " Do I know you?" I asked and he shook his head.

"No, but I know you. You were on the news. Diane Olick, I never thought I would meet you" He said and I looked around

"Were you talking to me? Because my name isn't Diane, it's Skye" I told him and shouldered passed him. He grabbed my arm and I grabbed his wrist. I spun around and pushed him down. I was on his back and I held him arm behind his back. I grabbed him by his hair and brought his head near my mouth. "Don't ever touch me again" I warned him and slammed his head against the floor. I got up and walked away.

"Damn, Skye beat the shit out of you" David teased him, he must've just gotten out the kitchen

"I think I'm in love" Strange Guy said and David chuckled

"Yeah, everybody is in love with her" Was the last thing I heard David say before I was out of earshot. I seen Franky chilling in the living room with Lucas and Kyle. I ran and jumped over the couch, landing on the couch with Kyle. They looked over at me and I nodded at them

"I'm bored" I told them

"Cool story, bro. Tell it again" Kyle said and I punched him in the stomach. " Why are you always punching in the fucking stomach?" He asked, rubbing his stomach.

"Why the fuck are you so annoying sometimes?" I asked him and he punched me on the arm. It didn't hurt and I punched him back. We continued this until he tackled me off the couch. I was always like a guy so it didn't matter if we got in a fist fight. He punched me in the jaw.

I cocked back and decked him in the eye. He fell backwards and I jumped on top of him. I punched him 5 times in the face. He grabbed my shoulders and threw me off him. I rolled and hit my back on the table. Kyle stood up and I lunged at him. Franky caught me and held me back

"Whoa, calm down pot heads" He said, chuckling at us. I pushed Franky off of me and rubbed my jaw

"Oh yeah, that's going to be a bruise" I told myself and looked at Kyle who was holding his eye

"I'm going to have a black eye" He told me and I laughed

"I came here to ask if you wanna smoke" I admitted and Lucas started chuckling. The other guys joined our laughing party. I stopped laughing when I seen Leo, leaning against the doorway.

"Sorry for interrupting, but may I speak with Skye for a moment?" He asked, his green eyes never leaving mine.

"No" I told him, turning to Franky. "So, you wanna smoke?" I asked and he gave me a look that told me to talk to Leo. I aggrievedly sighed and looked at Leo.

"You have 2 minutes" I said, brushing passed him and into the hallway. I turned to him, with my hands in my pockets.

"Listen, Skye, I understand that you never want to talk to me ever again-" He started but I cut him off with a scoff.

"No, Leo, you don't. If you did understand that, you would leave me alone" I retorted and he rolled his eyes

"I just want to live happily. But, I can't when you're around" He said and I laughed humorlessly

"You're the one who pushed me out of your life. Now, you're trying to pull me back into it. If you want to live happily, forget about me" I explained and he sighed

"It's not as easy as it seems. You are like water: People who don't have you, want you and people who do have you, don't know what they had until you're gone. And everybody needs you" He told me and I felt myself become closer to him. I was about to lean up and kiss him but I decided against it.

"Umm, your, uh, 2 minutes are, umm, fi-finished" I said shakily and pushed away from him. I walked into the living room and all the guys were staring at me expectantly.

"So, we gunna smoke or just stare at me. Which I can't because without a mirror or a reflector of some sort, I can't look at myself" I told them and Franky sighed, walking out the room. The guys followed and I smirked, following them. They walked to my room and I closed the door behind us.

"Where the weed at, nigga?" Franky asked, plopping on my bed.

"In the night stand, faggot" I responded and Lucas grabbed it. He took out his lighter from his back pocket. He tossed me the weed and lighter. I took out a joint a third inch thick and 4 inches long.

"Light it up" Kyle said and I put the joint between my lips. I flipped the top and flame appeared. I smiled as I lit the end. I inhaled and grabbed the joint with my index finger and thumb. I passed it to Lucas and exhaled at the same time. Lucas smirked at me and was about to put it between his lips.

"Nuh uh, Lui Kang. You quit smoking" Franky said, taking the joint from Lucas and taking a hit before Lucas could take it from him. He smirked then passed ir to Kyle. This happened 5 times before I had a high idea.

"Hey, let's play truth or dare" I said, a smile on my face.

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