Chapter 8

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"It’s Labelle,” I said flatly.  Ryan looked up slowly from the newspaper he was reading and I could sense his fear. 

“I’m going to kill Mr Grey,” Ryan muttered, folding his newspaper in half and setting off in the general direction Labelle was going.  I followed a safe distance behind them, pulling the large sunhat I wore over my eyes even more. 

“Where’s he going?” I mumbled. 

“He’s just walking,” Ryan replied.  “Wait, he’s getting into a car.” 

“Get into a taxi and follow him,” I demanded. 

“Already on it,” he replied.  “Follow that blue car, please.” 

“I’ll do the same,” I said. 

“No, walk,” he whispered. 

“Excuse me, sir?” asked the taxi driver. 

“I didn’t say anything,” Ryan said, sounding utterly confused. 

“How am I meant to walk and keep up with a car?” I said through gritted teeth. 

“It is midday traffic, he’ll be moving slowly,” Ryan said, barely audible. 

“Fine,” I sighed.  I looked up the street and saw that Ryan was right, not one car was moving. 

I followed the car for at least a mile before it stopped and Labelle got out.  I watched him look around before straightening his jacket and entering a hotel.  I met Ryan as he climbed out of his taxi. 

“What is Mr Grey trying to do?” I asked, bumping into him and leaning down to pick up my notes lying everywhere. 

“Find Ant and your dad,” Ryan whispered.  “Sorry about that, miss.” 

“Oh, don’t worry,” I replied with a laugh before dropping my voice.  “Why do you think he’s here?” 

“It looks like he’s here for a conference,” he said, reading a small notice on the door.  “Something about cars.” 

“We should go look,” I replied, standing up.  “Thank for the help, sir.” 

“It was a pleasure.  Do you want to get a drink?” he winked at me. 

“Who me?” I giggled.  “I would love to.” 

We entered the building while Ryan asked me what my name was and what I did.  I told him my name was Georgia Nelson and I was studying to be an artist.  He acted very interested and told me his name was Steve Franklin and he was studying law.  We laughed and chatted while we wondered through the hotel corridors, searching for the assassin who had my father and...My boyfriend?  Or best friend?  Or partner? 

“Looking for me?” asked a smooth voice that sent shivers down my spine.  Ryan glanced at me and gave me a look that said something like ‘keep walking.’  We did just that, but suddenly the two men who had chosen benches on either side of me earlier that week were standing in front of us, blocking our way.  I turned around and was faced with the man who had been walking through my nightmares. 

“Hello, Marley,” he said.  “I’m so sorry to say that I don’t know who your boyfriend is.” 

“Actually, you have my boyfriend,” I told him.  I crossed my arms and felt Ryan’s eyes on me. 

“Me?” Labelle laughed menacingly.  “What makes you think I have any interest in keeping that boy?  What’s his name again?  Anthony isn’t it?  Yes.  I got rid of him as soon as I could.” 

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