Chapter 10

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I stepped back as the train doors closed.  I watched Ryan getting smaller and smaller until he turned around and walked away.  He had left me.  I was truly alone.  I had no Ant who could save me.  I had no Ryan who could protect me.  I was alone in a train with a group of professional killers.  I was going to die. 

I returned to my seat, trying to act normal.  My brain was trying to think of ways to escape, but all that it would think of was Ryan.  Ryan and how he had betrayed me.  How he had betrayed Blackwood and everyone at the school.  I wanted to punch him and hit him and kill him.  He had kissed me, made me fall for him, made me trust him.  And then he had left me when I needed him most. 

I stood up and risked walking to the other coach.  I knew it was a stupid thing to do, but I had to see how many of them they were.  I knew that everyone in the two coaches apart from me was working with them and I had counted only two in my coach.  As I made slow progress down the aisle, I realised that even with my disguise, they knew it was me. 

I reached the door and the train did a little bump, making me lose my balance and fall against the door.  I stood up again and pressed the button.  I heard the slick, smooth movement of the sliding doors and walked through.  The train was moving from side to side making it much harder for me to hold myself up.  Eventually I made it through the door and walked through the small passage way to the next coach.  I pressed the button and heard the door open.  No one looked up as I stood there pretending to look for someone. 

A young couple were sitting eating sandwiches, the girl with long, black hair and pale skin, the boy with red hair and freckles.  They sat right at the back on the left.  Near the front a man sat reading a book and two rows behind him a lady was asleep.  That made four so far.  I gulped as I looked at the right side and saw three more people; another couple and a boy also with a paper.  The boy caught my eye also immediately as he wasn’t trying to hide the fact that he was looking right at me.  I looked at him in reply and something about his eyes made me get even more nervous.  But I shook my head and walked back to my seat before I got myself even more worked up.  I sat for a while and looked out at the mountains wishing more than anything that I could be free from all of this and just be wondering the never ending hills and rocks. 

Sighing, I stood up and started my way to the bathroom.  As I pushed the button and waited for the door to open I realised someone was watching me from the first row of seats.  It was the guy with the newspaper and he hadn’t been there before.  I rushed into the bathroom and closed the door but he managed to slip in. 

Fear filled my stomach as I realised it was starting.  I dropped my bag and was about to throw a punch when he pulled off his hat and wig and grabbed my hips.  He pulled me closer and before I could object Ant was kissing me.  I had no idea what to do, so I just kissed him back.  Suddenly I pulled away as I heard voices outside.  I looked up at Anthony and saw his brown eyes sparkling with excitement and fear.  Then I got angry.  I raised my hand and was about to slap him when he grabbed my wrist, pulled it behind my back and held it with my other wrist while his other hand he lay over my mouth and pushed me up against the door.  This all happened in about two seconds.  Then he was standing pressed up against me, his mouth right next to my ear. 

“I like your new look,” he whispered.  I wriggled around until he released me.  I then wrapped my arms around his neck and squeezed him tightly. 

“Mr Grey told me you were dead,” I whispered, feeling a tear forming in my eye.  I stood back on the ground and he took my hands in his. 

“He thinks I am dead.” 


“I was in a boat crash in Vienna.  No one saw me afterwards and assumed I was dead, but I had jumped off the boat.  Now listen to me, Marr.  These people aren’t going to stop until they get you.  They aren’t your normal agents, okay, they’re killers.” 

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