Where it all started

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     Chapter 1

         It all started with one call.

I was sitting on my black leather couch, playing Halo 4 on my Xbox One. My phone started to buzz next to me. I looked at the caller ID to see Laura's name.

"Hello, Sweetcheeks. What's up?" I asked. "Well, I just wanted to let you know that-"

"Is it Clint? Is he back? IS HE?" I begged through the phone. I could hear her chuckling at me for being impatient.

"Well, if you would've let me finish my sentence. Yes, he just called saying he will be here any moment. But-"

"Okay," I interrupted again. "I'll be over in ten minutes...or less, bye." I hung up the phone and jumped off the couch and sprinted toward my bedroom to change.

I changed into a black tank top with a red leather jacket and a pair of black skinny jeans. And to top it off, I paired it with my caramel brown combat boots.

As I rushed out the door, I put my long, ginger hair into a messy bun.

It only took five minutes to get to Clint's house. Maybe that's because I might have sped. But seriously, this place is like a ghost town sometimes. As soon as I got there I was too thrilled that Clint was back. I didn't notice as I bolted up the steps, that I was face first in a hard muscular chest. I looked up to the man and mumbled a quick, "Sorry," and ran inside. "Who was that guy?" I thought as I walked into the hallway next to the living room. I stopped right next to the door frame, just so I could sneak a peek first.

Clint was standing with his arm around Laura's shoulders, the kids hugging his legs. I decided then that would be as good a time as any to make myself known. "Hey, there Katniss! Welcome home!" I exclaimed, making my way into the living room. He looked up from the kids. "Carter...What are you doing here?" He questioned. "Laura called," I beamed. "I've missed you," I say closing the gap between us with a tight embrace. "Not as much as I missed you, Ging," he said as he grinned and laughed.

"Really, Ging? You couldn't come up with anything better than that?" He took a moment to think about it before a big grin spread across his lips. "Well, I could always call you Ginger Snap!" He replied. I shook my head, "And that's what I get for asking." I giggled.

"Is she another one of your kids we didn't know about?" I turned to see who spoke. A man, an older gentleman, had some farcical hair. His eyes were narrowed as he looked at me. "Umm," I turned to Clint to see if it was okay to say. He gave me a nod to go on.

"I'm Laura's sister. Who are you?" He looked a little taken aback by this.

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