Back To Sokovia

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Chapter 7

As they all just stand there in surprised. When Thor grabs the hammer and vision walked past him. He looks at each of them. As Bruce looks from Thor to vision. Clint just opens his mouth, like a fish. Thor nods as he slaps his hammer. "Alright, well done." He pats Tony's shoulder, as he walks by.
" 3 minutes, get what you need," Cap says looking at the rest of the avengers.

*Time Skip*

I teleport back to the forest. And pull out my tracker, on the quinjet. It's just a little bit after six in the morning. The quinjet really isn't that far from where I am . While the team is getting the people of Sokovia, out of their houses to safety. I teleport myself into the middle of the town. To help get some people to safety as well.
A silver and blue streak zooms in front of me. I see Pietro race past and destroying multiple bots with his speed. Shit, he must be really strong. I think to myself. As I see a bot coming up behind Wanda. I hear Pietro call out for her. To look out. So I shot a burst of my fire energy at it. Causing it to fly back and melt against a broken down wall.
I turn my head to see if Wanda was alright. She sitting on the ground just looking at me. In till Pietro runs over to her. And helps her to her feet.
"Thank you, for saving my sister.." Pietro said. With his strong sokvinaing accent. God that voice, could make a girl melt. "Your welcome . " I said though my voice changer. As my face still, hide under my masked hood. "Why are you hiding, your voice and face.?" Asked Wanda. "Why do we all ... " I say without thinking.
As the ground begins to shake, underneath are feet. We look down to see it splitting into two. There were people tripping to get back up. To safety. Pietro runs over to them and starts getting them inside a safe building. As I teleport and do the same.

After getting the people to a safe building. I hear this booming voice come from above. "Do you see?" I look up to see a robot with red beaming eyes. "Ultron"

"The beauty of it. The inevitability you rise only to fall. You avengers. You are my meteor. My swift and terrible sword. And the earth will crack." Ultron turns his Focus on me .
"Who are you, your not one of the Avengers..?"
"No, I'm not . I'm Just a girl from a small town. Got a problem with that, Iron Ass.?" I asked, with a laugh.

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