What Tomorrow Brings

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  Chapter 4


"What was that.?" Tony questioned, with a grin. "Nothing, what's going on now.? And whose he.?" I asked, pointing to the guy with the eye patch. "The names Nick Fury, who are you.?" I narrowed my eyes at him before answering. "Carter Stewart, Clint's sister-in-law. But I think you alrady knew that, right.?" He nodded. "Right, So what's with the eye patch.?"

"CARTER.!" Clint simi shouted. Surprised that I Carter Stewart would say someing like that. I mean come on. "What I do this time.?" I asked calimly. "It's fine Barton." Fury said in a calm tone. "Are you like their boss or something.?" I asked curiously. "Yes, little lady."


"Can I ask you something.?" He was about to answer, when Clint so rudely interrupted. "The answers still No, Carter."

"Damn it, Clint." I whispered under my breath. "Well, I'm going to head out, where all of you can get some rest." Fury said as he took his leave. "Me too, it was nice meeting all of you." I said gabbing my bag. Laura came up and hugged me goodbye.

"You to kiddo." I heard Tony say as I exited the house.

As I was about to get into my car, Clint came up behind me. "Look Carter, I know you want to help but...it's to dangerous out there. And besides you haven't had enough training." I nodded my head in understanding. He was right, well as far as he knows that is. "You're right," I shook my head. "I don't know what I was thinking." I smiled to reassure him. I hug him one last time, as we say are goodbyes.

An alarm went off indicating that the quinjet was on the move. I look to my clock that sat on my nightstand. Four O'clock.

I guess it's time. Opening up my tracking system, The Avengers location poped up. "Sokovia.." Never heard of the place.

Suit up time.

I head over to my closet and push the doors open, moving my clothes aside. I see the keypad to my so called "Secret Layer" Or that's what I like to call it. The doors slide open after I enter the code. Showing the stairs that descend into the layer slash basement. The lights switch on as I got down to the concrete floor.

"Shit, shit...that is really f-ing cold. I really should have the heat on down here.." Running over to my six foot glass case. My suit stood proudly in it's glass case, as it should.

"It's time." I say smiling to myself.

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