At Battle's End

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Chapter 8

Pietro looks at me, then back to the multiple robots speaking now. "With the weight of your failure." I look over just in time to see clint come around the corner. He runs up to Wanda and Pietro. I felt a ping of jealousy. Before he looked to me. "Who are you.?" He questions. Coming towards me now. Oh shit, What do I say Shit...Fuck it. "Who are you?" I asked back. Backing away as he got closer. He gave the twins a side long glance. As if asking them if they know. " They don't know who I am, either..." I said walking away.

" Listen, kid--" He started. "No, you listen, I'm here to help. Nothing you do or say is going to change that." I stated. Wow If I didn't have this mask on. I wouldn't have been able to say that to his face. I look over to the twins who are still standing next to each other.

"You two should go North to the center, You" I said looking towards Clint. "Go west and then head towards the center. To the church. "Why.?" Clint asked. "Because, I saw some bots heading both of those ways. A minute ago." I said, walking towards two buildings that have collapsed on each other.

"What about you?" clint asked. Getting his bow and arrows ready. "Well, as for me I'll meet you there. But first I gotta take care of something.." I said taking off in a full sprint towards the broken down building's. And jumping on a huge piece of rubble. And made my up to the roof. I look down to see Clint looking at me, with aside way grin.

"Only if he knew." I whispered to myself. He took off as the twins went north. As for me, I wanted to get my hands on the big guy. Ultron.

I see him heading towards the church. "Not today bitch..!" I said as I ran full speed from roof top to roof top. He turns just in time, to see me jump off the last building. And sent a massive fire blast, melting half of his right arm. What I didn't see was him leafing his left arm. He grab me by the throat. "Did you really think you could destroy me by yourself. You my have powers but you will never compare to me. I know who you are, Carter Stewart. You think you're so strong... Oh how wrong you are. Your weak, nothing. Just like the kids said. When you were in the foster system.!" My eyes open wide at this. "How..?" I gasp for air.
"I scanned you. I know everything about you..!" He said. My eyes started to draft closed from lack of oxygen. My arms feel limp to my sides. That's when he let me go to fall to my death. I waited to hit the hard ground. And let death consume me. Only it didn't.

I felt two strong arms wrap around me. I open my eyes to see Pietro looking back at me with concern in his eyes. "We have to stop meeting like this.." I say. He gave me a wide grin. Showing his pearly whites. "Well, it's not my fault you fell for me.." he said, smiling wider.

       "Oh, really?" I said, jumping out of his arms "It's a good thing your fast, speedy."

       "Speedy..?" Pietro said, rising his eye brows. "It's your nickname, I gave you.... It suits you." I say walking in the opposite direction. I turn back around to catch him before he left. But he was still standing there.  "Almost forgot. Thank you, again."
          "Your welcome... What's you're name.? " he asked. Shit... I can't tell him my name. " I can't tell you my name. But maybe you could give me a nickname, like I did you. What do you say, speedy.?" He took a moment to think about it. "Shadows.?" Huh, why didn't I think of that.?

           "Shadows, I like that.." I say backing away again. "I'll meet you and the others at the church." I say before I turn the Corner. I see him bow his head. Then there was nothing but a blue and silver streak.

    *Time Skip*

      After finishing off about 30 bots, more or less. I finally made my way to the church were I see the twins. Cap, Thor, vision, Nat and Tony fighting bot after bot. And that's when ultron decided to join the party. Though the top of the broken ceiling. And he went straight for vision.  He pushed vision up against the wall  with his hand around his throat. At this vision, using the mind stone. Sending Ultron flying through the north wall. Tony and Thor followed after them to help. As the rest of us fight the bots. That are trying to get to the power source. I run straight to the center of the church. Right next to the power source. As the bots were closing in on us.

                "GET DOWN.!!" I yelled, over all the comotion. Clint duck over Nat, Pietro did the same for Wanda. As cap ducked under his Shield. And just to be safe. I put force fields over the hole team. As the bots closed in, I concentrated all the power I could. And sent a massive fire blast going in every direction the bots came in. It cause all of them to melt to the wall or what's left of it anyways.

I Can't Stay Away : Age Of UltronWhere stories live. Discover now