Family and Friend's

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Chapter 2

      "Tony Stark!" He stated with pride. "Carter Stewart, nice to meet you," I said shaking his hand. "And who are all the rest of you?" I asked, as I looked at the other two males in the room besides Clint. "Here, let me help with that," came a woman's voice I knew all too well. "Nat?" I shouted, as I ran into her arms. "Oh my God! It's been soon long! Last time I saw you was when you taught me how to kick some ass."

"Language," Tony remarked sarcastically.

"What?" I asked in confusion. The tall, blonde guy standing next to him punched him and muttered, "Nothing," as Tony let out a hiss a pain.

"Would you like to meet the team?" Nat asked. "The team? Like the Avengers?" I asked. "Yes, that's Cap aka Steve Rogers," she said, as she pointed to the man who punched Tony a moment ago. I walked up to him and shook his hand. "Hi, Ma'am." He said, shaking my hand. "Nice to meet you." I said letting his hand go. And on to the next which was. "This is Bruce Banner." Nat said, with a shy but loving smile. Well that's new- I noted.

"Hi." He waved, with a small but noticeable smile. I watched as Nat smiled to herself, probably thinking no one noticed.

"Oh, So Tony's Iron man...Uh."

"What.?" Asked Tony.

"I...Nothing, Well I just thought you'd be...Taller." I said with a laugh. He put his hand over his heart, with a look of fake hurt. "Well, I never." He stated, which made the kids laugh. Causing everyone else to laugh with them. I look to Nat, "So the other guy was...Thor.?"

"Yes." She said, confirming my suspicion.

I Can't Stay Away : Age Of UltronWhere stories live. Discover now