The Beginning

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   Chapter 5

                      I slipped into my tight fitting black-cat suit, I model it after Nat's Black Widow outfit. But mine was a bit different, mine was fire and bulletproof. Also it came with a hooded mask attached to it. I had to go though many models of the suit to finally get it to mold right with my powers. Twelve models to be exact.

After suiting up, it was time to head to Sokovia. Teleporting just outside of the forest.

"Wow, nice view of the city from up here." I said to myself. Shit, I almost forgot to turn on my voice changer. I can't have anyone findding out it's me under this mask. I teleport again this time to almost get hit by a train. Which isn't even on the tracks, next thing I knew a blue blur grabs me by my waist. Moving me away from where the train was heading. Which was a brick wall. 'That must have been Pietro Maximoff.' I thought as he let me go and moved on to the next person. He moved more of the citizens out of the way. I decided it was about time I helped out, and moved into action and helped him move the rest of the citizens.

As I grabbed the last person, I moved him aside right as the train burst through the brick building. As it crashed through it a red mist formed around the train. Making the train make this terrible screeching noise as it dug into the ground. I look to the massive hole the train has made. Seeing the train has made a complete stop. I see a girl with long brown hair run off the train and over to pietro. That must be Wanda.

Next cap steps off the train and walked up to them. He said someting to them, but I couldn't hear. I teleported behind a wall closer to them. Just in time to hear Wanda say, "And where do you think he gets that." Who are they talking about.? "Tony, Tony..?" Cap says through the mic. But received no answer. A moment later Cap walks off with the twins following behind him. Where are they going.? probably the Avengers Tower.

I teleported to New York just outside of the tower. What floor did Clint say it was.? Sixty-Seventh.? I know it has a six in it somewhere. When I finally found it, it turn out to be the sixty-eighth floor instead. I heard the voices of Tony and Bruce. They where in the lab, lot bigger then the one a had at home. But more importantly, what was Bruce and Tony on about.?

"I'm rerooting the upload." Tony says. That's when Cap and the twins showed up. Cap throws his shield towards Tony's Computers, Tony fired back with a blast. Sending Cap flying backwards and into a wall. At this Cap goes at Tony again, before being thrown though a glass wall. While Bruce grabbed the Maximoff girl. "Go ahead piss me off." Bruce growled. Wanda on the other hand used her powers, surging them backwards through her and into Bruce. Sending him flying across the room.

I look to the middle of the room to see what they're all fighting about, some sort of cradle. I was about to walk out of the shadows. When that man, Thor .? Yeah Thor. Appeared out of nowhere and jumps on top of it. Thor throws his hammer up. Attracting lighting before sending it to the Cradle.

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