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  Chapter 6

      "NO, WAIT.!!" Bruce screams. The Cradle explodes sending everyone flying. I hid behind the wall deep in the shadows. Hoping no one saw. Luckily they didn't not too focused on the Cradle. Out of the cradles dude what looked like to be a man. But at the same time not. He was a dark shade of red dot with a hint of some yellow. He looks confused before diverting his attention to Thor dots flying towards him at full speed. When Thor catches him and throws him through the glass wall. As cap goes to take him down. When Thor puts his hand up blocking cap from hurting him. The red guy seems to be looking at something in the window before turning back towards them. Floating back to the group.
"I'm sorry.. that was..odd," he said. As he turns towards Thor. "Thank you." He bows his head in Thor's direction. "Thor.! You help create this." I hear cap say. Before walking towards him.

"I've had a vision. A world pool that sucks in all hope of life. And at it's center." Thor point's to something on the red men's head. "Is that." He added. "What the gem.?" Bruce says.

"The gem.," I whisper to myself.

"It's one of six infinity stones. The greatest power in the universe. Unparallel. It's destructive capabilities."

"Oh, No.. this isn't going to in well.." I muttered to myself.

"Then why would you bring it.." Thor cuts of Cap. "Because, Stark was right."

"Oh, it's definitely the end of Times." I hear Bruce say. "The Avengers can not defeat ultron," Thor says. "Not alone." says the red..Shit you know what I'm just going to call him Vision.
"Why does your, him sound like JARVIS.?" Cap says walking closer to vision. "We...we configured JARVIS create something new."

"You think I'm a child of ultron." Vision says. "You're not.?" Cap asked in confusion. Vision shakes his head. "I'm not." He diverts his eyes to the floor. "I'm not JARVIS either." He looks up to Tony and Bruce.
" I looked inside your head, and saw annihilation," Wanda spoke in her Sokovia accent. As she made her way towards him.

"Look again."

I hear Clint laugh from across the room. "Her sill-approval means Jack to me." I peak around the wall, to see. That Wanda looks a little upset, at clint's word's. I would slap him for being so rude. But I don't want to blow my cover. "The powers, the horrors in our heads. Ultron himself. They all come from the mind stone. Nothing Compares to what it can unleash." Thor says Looking at the team. He turns towards vision. "But with it on our side."
"Is it.?" Cap interrupts. "Are you? ... On our side." Vision looks to the ground thinking. "I don't think it's that simple.?" He questions himself. "Well, it better get real simple. Real soon." Clint says, next to him. "I'm on the side of the living, ultron isn't. He will end it all." Vision says looking at each of them.

"What's he waiting for.? "Tony questioned. Vision looks at Tony and simply states. "You." Bruce walks up to Vision. "If we're wrong about you." He pauses. "If you're the monster ultron made you to be."

"What will you do.." Bruce doesn't answer. So vision goes on. "I do not want to kill ultron, he's unique. And in pain. But that pain will role over the earth. So he must be destroyed." He pauses for a moment. "Every form he's built every trace of his presence on the net. We have to act now. And not one of us could do it with out the other. Maybe I'm a monster. I don't think I'd know if I were one." Tony diverts his gaze to the floor.

"I'm not what you are. And I'm not what you intended. So there maybe no way to make you trust me. But we need to go." He turns around with Thor's hammer in his hand. Gesturing for Thor to take it.

"Shit," I whispered.

I Can't Stay Away : Age Of UltronWhere stories live. Discover now