It Was His Fault

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  Chapter 3

               "So where'd he go.? And what's going on.?" I glanced sideways at Clint for answers. "That's none of your concern kid. This is for grown-ups only." Tony remarked. "I'm 21 year's old. Not a kid. So what is it, what's wrong.?" I had a dreadful feeling, in the pit of my stomach. That I wouldn't like the answer.

"Carter, look it..." Clint had this unpleasant look on his face. And in one fast gesture, he stook out his left arm out. And pointed a finger at Tony. "It was all his fault.!" he shouted. And, Oh my god. You should have seen the look on Tony's face.


"Was not.!" he yelled back.

"Kind of was.." Bruce said. "What do you mean, kind of..?" Asked Steve. "It wasn't me, it was that little witch. And her mind tricks." Tony argued. I shouldn't have asked. I could have just-- No, no I won't. Not on them. Besides it's rude, and then what would they think of me then.?

"What little witch.? And can someone please explain what's going on.?" I asked. Tired of their petty fighting. "The Maximoff twins. One of them does this weird mind tricks. That messed with some of are minds. And the other one is fast." Tony explained.

"And, what else.?"

The next few hours, they set me down. And told me everything about the twins and Ultron. "So, what are we gonna do to stop them.?" I boasted. "You.? Nothing. Your staying here, where it's safe." Clint stated. "But...I can help, Nat taught me how to fight and you taught me how to shoot a bow & arrow. I can help. Clint, please.?!" I begged him. Clint crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"No." He said firmly.


"I said No, we're the Avengers. This is are job, Not yours. We do this to protect you and the rest of the world. So just drop it, Carter."

"Fine, I'll drop it. I'm gonna go for a walk, I'll be back later." I mumbled. I was about to leave, when Laura grabbed my arm. "You know he's just looking out for you." Laura whispered. "I know," I muttered "That's what makes it so hard to be mad at him." She giggled, thinking this was funny.

As I started my 'walk' I headed into the woods near Clint's barn. I know that they parked the quinjet out here somewhere. I just need to find it. Walking about a mile or less into the woods before I finally found it. "Okay, time to get down to business." I run up to the side of the quinjet, and reached into my pocket. And pulled out one of my trackers sticking it to the side of the jet. Now that, that's done I guess I should head back now.

After "My walk" I went back to the house. By time I got back it was already dark. So I decided to sneak in trying to be quiet as possible. I tiptoed my way through the front door and into the living room to grab my bag. So far the close was clear, some of the lights were already off. So I assumed that meant everybody had went to bed. That was until I heard someone clear their throat. I look towards the kitchen to see everyone staring at me. Plus some new guy with an eye patch.

"Shit." I mumbled to myself.

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