Break From Death

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  Chapter 10

        As I teleport myself back to my lab. I pull off my mask/hoodie. And made my way over to Pietro's body. Which lead limp on the cold surface of the metal Hospital table.

    I grabbed a pair of scissors. I cut off his shirt and pushed it to the floor. "Ok, I don't know if you can hear me...probably not. But I'm going to need you to work with me here."

     I reached my hands over his chest. As red mist formed around his wounds. I started to feel a little dizzy. But I keep pushing forward. "I can't stop not yet." I told myself. This ws the first time every trying to actually bring a person back from the dead.

        That's why I brought him here. Just in case it didn't work out right. After all his wounds were healed. It was time to bring his soul back to his body. Now this is going to be he hard part.

       I lefted my left hand to his forehead. And my right just above his chest. Right above the Heart. I closed my eyes and focused on him.

Just him.

I felt a breeze hit my face. I reopened my eyes to find myself standing in a pitch black room. Accept one light over to my right. And there he was Pietro Maximoff.

I walked up behind him. As he turns to face me with his eyebrows knitted together in confusion. "Who are you..?Where's Wanda..? Wait...I got shot..I'm dead..." He keep muttering to himself.

          "Pietro.. I need---" his eyes snapped back towards me. "How do you know my name.? Are- Are you an Angel.?"

         "No, no I'm not, but I'm here to help you. I'm... You know me. You" I smiled to myself. "You actually gave me a nickname. Remember.?" He looked confused, but then it clicked.

        "Shadows...?" He whispered. "How, did you die too.?" He asked sadly. "No, speedy... I came here to bring you back." He looked at me for a moment before raising his hand to my check.
        "Why'd you hide such a beautiful face..?" He asked. "I have my reasons, maybe when you wake up I'll tell you." I stock out my hand for him.

        "Take it." I said gently. As we intertwined are hands. "Okay, close your eyes and think of something or someone close to your heart. And focus on that." He did as I asked.


    "Ready." I closed my eyes and focus on Laura, Clint and the kid's.


      I felt a strong pull. And I was back in my body. I opened my eyes just in time to see Pietro's chest rise and fall. "I did it...I actually did it." I whispered. A grin broke across my lips.

      I bent over Pietro looking down at his handsome face. I put my hands on his checks.

       "Pietro, pietro.?"

      "Speedy.?" I said a little louder.


               I mean he's breathing. After hooking him up to some IVs and heart monitor, and some liquid. To keep him hydrated.


*30 minutes later*

        I just don't get it. Maybe his mind just needs time to catch up. With how fast his wounds were healed. Maybe he's in a coma.

             He'll wake up...Right.?

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