Two Bit

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(Guys, I'm so sorry I haven't updated in forever. I had some personal stuff, and I know that sounds like an excuse but after my uncle died, my dad kind of did some stuff and my aunt had a baby a few days ago. I've been babysitting and it's been crazy. But that's not an excuse so I'm just sorry. I hope this makes up for it.)
"Hi, darlin'. See those guys over there? Them's my friends, and -Well, my friends and that cunt with the blond hair. Anyway, the blond haired bastard bet me I couldn't get your number. So what do you say? You ain't gonna let me lose are you?"
You were sitting at a picnic table with your friends, talking about nothing in particular and drinking a bottle of Coke, when a young, red haired man came over and sat next to you. You'd noticed him earlier when he walked out of the store with his friends. They were a group of greaser guys, ranging in age from about 15-18, and were all dressed in similar blue jeans and t shirts. One of them was in a black leather jacket, even though it was close to 80 degrees out. He looked around, before turning to the man beside him and saying something. The rusty haired youth looked toward your table and grinned, before walking your way.
What the hell.
You turned back toward the table, put your drink down, and grabbed a pen from your friend's purse.
"Give me your arm." He smiled even wider, rolled up his sleeve and thrust his arm in your direction.
"There you go. Can't have you losing, can we?" As soon as the words were out of your mouth, He shot you that charming grin and took off, back towards his friends. You blushed, not used to being hit on by men. You'd never even flirted with someone, much less been asked for your number.
"Oh my God, (y/n)! He totally thinks you're a babe!" Your friend said. You blushed from your roots to your toes.
"No way, Ella, he was just dared to talk to me. He's not actually gonna call me," you insisted.
"Yeah, we'll see."
"I Still can't believe you asked me out on a dare. Such class, Two Bit," you said.
"Nuh uh! I asked for your number on a dare. I asked you out cause you're smokin'." You laughed and he watched with a smile as your cheeks turned pink.
"That's so cute." You wrinkled your nose and quirked your eyebrows.
"What's cute?" You asked.
"The way you blush. And the way you crinkle your nose. Its sexy."
You and Two Bit hadn't had sex yet, but you knew he wanted to by the way he hinted. He'd never push you into something you didn't want, but he wanted to. He called you sexy almost daily, he kissed you passionately whenever he could, and his hands always found your ass, your thighs, or your breasts while you made out in his car.
And you wanted to. When he ground your body against his thigh as you sat on his lap, your breasts began to swell and you felt yourself getting wet between your legs. When he told you how much you turned him on, your clit throbbed, almost like it was asking, "what are you waiting for? Fuck him!"
But you were scared. You'd never done anything like this before, and it terrified you that once you did, he wouldn't want you anymore. Or that you wouldn't be any good at it. But you couldn't stand it anymore.
"How about we go somewhere more private?" you asked. You and Two Bit were lying on the back porch of his house, and his mother and little sister were gone for the night.
His eyes lit up and he jerked into a sitting position.
"Really? I - I mean...we could go to my room. Are you...okay with going to my room?" He was excited, you could tell. You were still nervous, but you loved him and wanted to give him what he wanted.
"Let's go."
You were lying on the bed, with Two Bit over you, your blouse unbuttoned and spread to expose your bra. Two had braced himself on his hands over you, and had his thigh wedged between your legs as he kissed you. Suddenly, the panic got to be too much.
"Two...Mmm," You tried to speak, but it felt so good. "...Two Bit...stop, Two!" You pushed him off of you, and concern flooded his face.
"Baby, what's wrong? Did I hurt you?" He stroked his thumb over your cheek, and you blushed, mortified.
"Two Bit, I'm sorry. I can't do this." He looked a little disappointed, but it was covered with concern.
"Its okay, baby. We can wait. Is there a reason why?"
Your blush deepened. You didn't want to sound childish and naive.
"I just...I'm...scared." The words were barely whispered. It was like you couldn't get them past your lips, but Two Bit just grinned.
"Aw, it's okay, baby. We can wait until you're ready. Don't be scared." Relief coursed through you, and you couldn't help but kiss him.
"Oh, thank you. I'm sorry, Two. I'm just scared that you won't...want me, afterward."
The look on his face killed you. He looked crushed.
"You think...I won't want you anymore?" He paused. You were humiliated. Saying it out loud was terrible.
"How could you think that, (y/n)? I'll always, ALWAYS want you. If we have sex, if we don't have sex. No matter what, I'll always want you. You're my everything, (y/n). And I'm not going to use you for sex and then leave you."
Your heart soared. He was serious. He wanted you, even if you "put out." But one more thing.
"What if I'm not good at it?" He laughed.
"Trust me, doll, if you fuck like you kiss, we ain't got a problem."
You two were on the couch, watching a movie, as you went over everything in your mind. Two Bit loved you. He would still want you. He didn't care if you were bad at it. So what were you so scared of? Your mom once told you that you'd know you were ready, because you'd be with someone you loved, and he'd be just as scared of how it would change your relationship as you were. But now, you knew it wouldn't change your relationship.
Go for it. What's there to lose? That little voice said.
You looked up at Two, who was laughing at some joke on tv. He was so cute. Love filled your heart, and you knew it was time.

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