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I stumbled out of the cab and clamored up the three steps to my shared apartment. My vision was clouded by the tears I shed for Jungkook. I didn't remember when I started crying but I felt even more hurt than I did when I caught Tae cheating. I repeatedly told myself that I did the right thing and that it would never work out for us but it was easier to say it than to believe it.

As the door opened I broke down crying on the floor. Asher silently picked me up and carried me to my room. I sobbed so much into my pillow, you would've thought someone died. I felt guilty for doing that to him but even guiltier that I'd done the same thing that I'd never wanted to happen to me.


"Okay, lemme see if this works." Asher stared at me from across the table. "Tae," I scowled. "Kookie." My eyes watered. "At least you don't sob every time I mention his name anymore."

"That's true, but it's been almost a month." I ran a hand through my hair. "I need to get over him."

"What's there to get over?" Asher glared at me. "You were never a thing."

I sighed as I looked the basketball jersey Asher was wearing. I couldn't take my eyes off the jar of cookies our grandma had baked for us. I sighed again, everything reminded me of him. How could I fall in love with a boy I hardly knew? I thought about how I completely dismissed a year spent with Tae the swine after less than a day with him.

Asher hungrily ate the pancakes, cereal and fruit salad I'd made for him and I took my phone to my room. I loved Asher, we were like twins, but I didn't tell him everything. For the past month he helped me to stop breaking down every time I was reminded of Jungkook but he didn't know the entire truth. I didn't tell him that he was in high school and I didn't tell him that I loved Jungkook more than I could possibly love myself. There was something about him that took my heart hostage.

If I'd said Jungkook didn't try to contact me for the past month, I'd be a dirty liar. I didn't know how he got my number but he texted me every single day. It took all I had not to reply. When he realized that I wasn't replying to his texts, he found me on Facebook, followed me on Instagram, added me on Snapchat and even got my Skype address.

The time I spent ignoring him and avoiding that side of town so as to not run into him again (because I don't know what I'd do if I did) was invested in University work and learning a new language: Korean. I'd developed an interest in it ever since I'd googled 'noona.' I got lost in thought as I read the DM from him on Instagram. He'd sent me a picture of him clutching my white faux fur jacket. I honestly didn't remember wearing it that day.

I glanced at the clock and realized that if I didn't leave at this time I'd be late. I grabbed my black backpack and rushed out the door.


After a long day at school, I was headed to a bookstore located near the school district. It was about five p.m so I wasn't worried about running into a certain someone. What were even the odds that he went to a school on this side of town anyway? I browsed the aisles looking for a textbook that would help me ace my upcoming end of semester test.

"Micah?" No, no, no. This is all a trick. I finally cracked. There's no way in hell that he's here right now. I froze and stayed like that for a few minutes. When I finally had the courage to peek over my shoulder, I didn't see anyone there. I put a hand to my chest and exhaled loudly, glad that it was just a trick of the mind.

I gripped the book in my hand and walked to the end of the aisle, glancing down at the book for one second before I bumped into something. If I could have ran when I saw him I would've, but he firmly gripped my elbow, holding me in place. I didn't want to see him, but I did. I stared up at him with glossed eyes.


"Noona." His momentary look of rage was replaced with relief as he hugged me. He was dressed in a black school uniform and had a brown satchel bag on his shoulder. "Didn't you get my messages?"

"This isn't right." I pulled away from him. "You don't want me and I shouldn't want you." I pressed my hands to his cheeks. The textbook fell on the floor but that was the least of my problems.

He placed his hands on mine. "You're right noona," He hit me with his doe eyes. "I don't want you," My heart broke a little but I was glad he was beginning to see the big picture. This was a twisted fantasy, it had no place in the real world. "I. Need. You."

He leaned down and kissed me causing the entire emotional attachment I had for him to resurface. I melted into him for a moment before I realized what was happening. I pulled away and wiped my lips with my sweater sleeve. I stooped and picked up the book before brushing past him to pay for it.

I hurried out the door to get away before he could catch me and trap me in his web of untainted innocent youth...again. A hand grabbed onto mine, spinning me around before I was being kissed by Jungkook again. What was with this kid!? I pulled away and he pulled me close again. He must've known he had some power over me because he continued exploring my mouth with his tongue as I squirmed in his grip.

I shoved him off and slapped him. I didn't mean it but if it meant he'd stay away from me, it was worth it. "Don't come near me again." I said in a low voice, trying to hide the fact that he'd made me cry (For the umpteenth time). "It's better for's better for the both of us." I hopped in a cab and went home. I immediately collapsed into my bed and threw a fit. Nothing ever worked out for me! I jumped when I heard the clap of thunder and the immediate sounds of rain afterward.

I sobbed as I remembered what happened.


"Micah! Come quick!" I ran to Asher who was holding someone in his arms.

"What happened?" I asked.

"He'd been standing outside for the past three hours, even in the rain. I was gonna call the cops then he collapsed."

I had to hold onto the wall when I realized who it was. I slid down to the ground as I saw Jungkook unconscious.

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