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14 years ago...

"Mommy Mommy!" A small boy comes running into the kitchen.

"Jackson don't run in the kitchen you could get hurt." His mother says with a stern look on her face.

"Sorry Mommy." He pouted. "But I have something really important to show you!"

He pulls up his long sleeved shirt to reveal a tattoo. It's near his wrist it's shaped like a small flower bud.

"Why did this show up? Is it bad? Am I going to die?!" He starts tearing up.

His mother wraps him in a big hug and puts him in her lap. "Shh it's okay sweetie you're going to be just fine."

She starts to rub circles into his back trying to comfort him. After a couple of minutes he calmed down.

" T-then what is it?" Jackson sniffled looking at the tattoo curiously.

"It's a tattoo everyone gets when they are little. Look I have one too." She pulls her shirt down her right shoulder.

"I see it!" Jackson exclaims pointing at her tattoo. He notices that hers looks like a sunflower rather than a flower bud.

"But how come it looks different?"

"Well you see Jackson when children turn eight a tattoo of a flower bud will appear on their body."

He knitted his eyebrows together."But my birthday was a month ago."

"Some people get theirs later than others."

"Oh. Well why do we get them? And you still did not tell me why yours look different."

His mother chuckled before she started speaking. "When you get older you will meet someone and your bud will change into a flower."

"So the person I meet will be special?."

" Very special. They will be your soulmate."


"Yes you're soulmate will be someone you'll love very much."

"Like how you love dad?"

"Exactly!" She starts tickling him and giving him peppered kisses on his face

"Stop it! "He giggles.

Eventually she did. "Do you feel better now?"

"Yep!" He gives her a kiss on the cheek.

Um... I think this came out okay.
If I made any mistakes tell me. This is my first long fic I'm planning on making it over 10 chapters long.

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