chapter 1

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"Hey you're looking for a new job right?" A man says as his friend walks in their shared Department.

"Really Jaebum? Not even a how was your day?What kind of roommate are you?" He said over dramatically crossing his arms.

Jaebum rolled his eyes. "How was your day drama queen?"

"What did you call me?"

"You heard me. Anyway you never answered my question."

"Yes JB I am looking for a job. I've been telling you that for weeks. Weren't you listening to me?"

"Yes I have Jackson you never shut up about it. Now do you want to know what I was going to say or not?"

Jackson pouted. "I'm not a drama queen, so what do you want to tell me?"

"I don't know if I should tell you now." He sticks out his tongue.

"Oh come on JB." He groans. "Just tell me already."


"Come on. Please please please?"

"If I tell you will you shut up?" He said looking annoyed.

"Yes so tell me."

"So you know that Gym I work at?"


"Well they are looking for another trainer. Since Heather transferred to another facility. I could recom- " before he could finish the younger pounced on him.

"Thank you! I owe you one" he said giving Jaebum a tight hug.

"Can you let go of me? I have to meet Youngjae soon."

You see Youngjae is Jaebum's soulmate they met when the younger spilt his soda on him. They have matching orchids, it's a pretty shade of purple. Youngjae's is on his left hand while JB's is on his upper left leg.

Jackson finally let the older go. Then he started to speak.

"How did it feel?"

"How did what feel?"

"When you meet Youngjae. What was it like?"

" was kind of awkward at first. Like after he spilled his soda I started to yell at him."

"When don't you yell at someone?"
Jackson snickered.

"If you don't shut up I'll smack you."

"Okay sorry. Now continue I don't have all day!"

"Why are you my friend again?"

"Because everyone loves the wild and sexy Jackson Wang!" He winked and let out a high pitched laugh.

"Whatever ass hole now let me finish. When I was yelling at him he started to say sorry over and over again. When I finally looked at his face I felt my tattoo heat up. I had pants on so I didn't know what was happening until I looked at his hand. His flower bud was changing into a flower and that's when it hit me. He was my soulmate. I felt like a jerk it was embarrassing but it all worked out." He smiled to himself.

"Awe that's so cute! I can't wait to find my soulmate."

"Me too. Then you would leave me alone." He yelled dodging the pillow Jackson thew at him.

"Well I have to get ready." Jaebum said laughing while walking into his room.

He grabbed his laptop and started to do his essay. Jackson thought to himself, man I wish I could find my soulmate soon. Almost everyone I know has one and they seem happy.


Well here's the first chapter of roses. I would of updated sooner but I was busy.

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